Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 Return to Life Group

Betty called this morning to tell me that she decided to NOT go to Life Group this morning, since she overslept.  She also told me that Liz (her son in laws sister who has cancer) is not doing well.  She is in Roswell and she has sepsis. 

 After almost two months, the Tuesday Morning Ladies Life Group at Freedom Church,  led by Elaine DeWeen resumed.  When a bunch of people who attended another Life Group and the Gather and Give event were diagnosed with COVID,  and Western New York was referred to as a HOT SPOT for Covid (which indeed it has been),  our Life Group was called off temporarily, and church shut down Sunday services for a few weeks, too.  I think the other Life Groups were halted temporarily, too.  Peggy's Life Group which I also attend, had just completed a series, so it did not have to shut down.    Anyways, there were several of us there this morning, Elaine, Ann, Louise, Robyn, Vicky, Karen, myself and two or three others.  As usual, it was quite rambling and disorganized.  It seemed like Vicky was trying to keep things in order, but that didn't work all that well.  BUT, all in all, it was so good to be able to get together and catch up on a few things.  I didn't know that Jenny Adams is suffering from severe back pain, which seems to have come out of nowhere, or that Cindi Landrigan had her eye surgery.   

After I left, I stopped at Rite Aid and picked up my Viberzi. When I got home, I found a package from Megan, Chris and the kids:  two boxes of Belgium chocolate, a Michigan coffee cup, some maple syrup and best of all a great calendar with pictures of them on every month.! 

  After having lunch,  I attempted to get through to someone at 211 because I wanted to make sure that the info I was given yesterday was correct.  I DID reach a fellow named Matthew who verified that there is no sense in continuing to call until next Monday when more of the vaccine will be available.

I got an email from Carrie's house manager with a picture of her birthday cake.

  Since her house is on lockdown, I was not able to see her for her birthday. 

I had a bit of a troubling email from Leslie, she is wondering if I still support Trump.  I am not sure I ever fully supported him, although I DO think he did a lot of positive thing for the USA and ultimately the world.  I have always been well aware of his stupidity such as the dumb things he said about the coronavirus, how he failed to take a stand against white nationalism during one of the debates, etc.  I don't think he ever really had COVID, I think that was a scam.  However, I feel sure that he has a great love for the USA and Americans and that he did his best.    When I called Leslie the day of the attack on the capital, I said "the liberals think it was Trump supporters and the conservatives think it was Antifa and BLM".   However, she seems to have heard me differently.  Some of the things she said in the email were a little bit hurtful to me especially when she referred to the meme about being on the wrong side if you agree with nazi's.  I saw the meme, too, and felt it was a ridiculous generalization and did not respond to it.  Well, in the long run I feel sure that Leslie and I will be fine.  While apparently her politics and mine are far apart, she is reasonable and fair.  

She wrote " It was interesting that someone posted a remark on facebook entitled how to tell if you are on the wrong side. You're on the wrong side if there are NAZIs on your side. (Wait a minute- didn't we fight them in WWII? Didn't your father fight them?) and you're on the wrong side if you are flying a confederate flag. (Wait a minute didn't we fight them in the Civil War?) The house across the street had both a huge Trump sign and a confederate flag, both of which seem to have disappeared since the Congressional  riot."   and this

"My feeling is that republicans supported Trump because of his following. They were so eager to have a candidate in the white house they ignored that he was a nutcase"   WELLLL, I don't think anybody knew much about DJT's emotional state and his inability to filter his words before he was elected.    The other issue (to me) is this...................why didn't the Republican party choose a better candidate?  They had several to choose from. 

I watched the episode of BULL that I missed last night and then listened to BEN SHAPIRO.  Today/s podcast was not as good as yesterdays and then I read a bit 

It is not a spectacular book, but far better than the last two I started and discarded  So, I missed my nap today, but I may have dozed off while listening to Ben.  

https://cookieandkate.com/crispy-baked-potato-wedges-recipe/  I prepared potato wedges this way for supper along with some of the breaded chicken patties that were in the Cooperative Extension giveaway a couple of months ago, and honey carrots, all in the oven.  Then I read a couple of the articles that Leslie sent me.  

After a shower, I settled in to watch THIS IS US and NURSES, and then realized that both are reruns.


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