WEDNESDAY, January 13, 2020 At Home, Pot Pie, Fruitcake and SECOND Impeachment for DJT
The sidewalks and driveways are a sheet of ice today, so I decided to stay home. I had a call from Dom (at Freedom South) and I agreed to deliver 13 of the BLESSING BOXES to homes here in Lockport. They need to be delivered by Saturday evening.
I got a phone call from the manager of the residential home that Carrie lives in to tell me that all of the residents are quarantined for the next ten day due to a staff member who had an exposure to COVID. This means Carrie will not be able to come home this coming weekend, which is her birthday weekend. Naturally, I am disappointed. I think that they wanted to get this message to me before the ten a.m. live internet meeting to update Carrie's Life Plan. I did not have any difficulty getting into the platform for the meeting.
One of the issues discussed in the meeting was how Carrie has accumulated a lot of money that needs to be spent soon, or else she will lose her eligibility for SSI and Medicaid. It was even suggested that I can take a vacation that Carrie can pay for!!!! (but maybe that was a joke) Or, she, me and an aide can take a trip together, to maybe Florida or Arizona.
I requested that an appointment for Carrie to see her endocrinologist and have a dexa scan be scheduled for later on this year, when HOPEFULLY covid will be less of a threat.
I decided that today would be a good day to make FRUITCAKE. So, after the online meeting, I put the ingredients together for a nut free fruitcake. Then I decided to watch the debate over whether or not to impeach Donald Trump. Earlier today, I was able to listen to what Trump said at the rally before the attack on the capital. He encouraged PEACE, and to remain strong. I don't think he was deliberately encouraging an armed violent attack on the capital. The part of his speech that mentioned peace was not played by the mainstream media.
While the fruitcake was in the oven, I tried to reach Connie, but got her answering machine.
After lunch, I got comfortable in my recliner and watched members of the house weighing in on whether or not to impeach Trump. It appears that it was decided to impeach him because they want him OUT. However since the senate will not meet until after Biden is me, this does NOT make sense, since he will already by out by that time. I am concerned that this will cause more division in the USA, which we do not need. Honestly, I think that just letting DJT leave the WH, with the memory of the invasion on the Capital building fresh in our memories, and Biden becoming our new president would be the best way to achieve some semblance of unity for Americans. I think it would make it easier to move forward without the drama of the impeachment hearings. this pot pie turned out great. I used turkey that I had frozen at Thanksgiving time, added some mozzarella cheese between the two mixtures and a bit of parsley on top. Oh, and the chicken flavored bone broth I added was probably what made it so tasty.
Tomorrow, Peg will help me deliver some of the BLESSING BOXES and then we will go to TRADER JOES and possibly take a walk in Ellicott Creek Park, which if I recall right, is right off of the boulevard, not far from Trader Joes. I don't need much from TJ's but I will take my freezer bag and get a few items. We will also drop off a bunch of books for Peg's friend who sells them online to support Jim Christie and his wife Sue, who are missionaries in Kenya. Years ago, Jim was married to my stepmother Martha's daughter. They divorced and he remarried Sue. I have gotten to know them a bit, during their furloughs when they stay with relatives in the area.
I called Gail in the evening and we talked for a while. Bob is doing well, the infection in his foot and leg are gone. I also talked to Betty. She said that Kalamata's and The Shamus are both totally closed down, not even doing take out.
I started my 2021 Bible reading, by reading several Psalms. My goal this year is to read all the Psalms, Proverbs and the New Testament.
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