February 24, 2021 Crescent Pointe Golf Course

Peggy and I accompanied David when he went golfing at Crescent Point Golf Course.  He was set up to golf with three other guys.  Peg and I walked along, and sometimes rode in the golf cart for the first nine holes.  Then we left the golf course and went shopping at some outlet stores not far from the course. 

First we went to Bath and Body Works because Peg had two $25 gift certificates.  She bought me a couple of items.  Then we went to a shoe store where she got a pair of tan flats and I got a pair of New Balance sneakers. I think my last sneaker purchase was two pair that I bought before going to Israel in 2017.  I am so glad I found a pair today, because I HATE shoe shopping.  I wear inserts which means I have to take them out of the shoes I am wearing and then put them in the ones I try on to make sure they will work. Every time I would bend over to tie shoes, my glasses would start to fall off. So, it was not a fun experience.

  Then we went to Old Navy where I purchased two shirts like this. I got a black one and this dark green one. Old Navy calls the color "olive:.    I like to use this style shirt as light jackets.  These particular shirts  are very comfortable.  OLD NAVY calls them 

Relaxed Twill Utility-Pocket Tunic Shirt for Women

All I know is that I really like them, and still want to find one in tan or beige. I really hate shopping, but I am glad I found these shirts!

We went back to Crescent Point to pick David up and our timing was perfect.  As we pulled in, he called to say he was ready.

Then we went to a Kroger's to pick up a few items for supper.  David prepared fresh cod and Peggy prepared baked potatoes and two vegetables.  Supper at the condo was delicious.  Peggy read some of the end times book to us after supper, and we watched the news.  I went to bed early.


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