Friday, February 5th, 2021 At Home

 It was very cold and windy today.  I decided to stay home and get a few things done.  I was glad that someone from the Glen Iris called and I was able to reserve a room for Leslie and I for our get together the end of May, to celebrate our birthdays.  I emailed her the information.

I did a few organizational jobs in my dining area, mostly straightening out part of the sewing cabinet on the way above my microwave, so that I could have a spot to put tape and glue, freeing up an outside shelf on that cabinet for most of my collection of Fenton Hobnail Salt Cellars.    Like these on etsy  

Except I have two round ones.  I always look for more in antique shops, but never find any more.  My grandmother Niethe had one or two of the blue square ones which is why I started to collect these several years ago.

Betty called to tell me she got a new Verizon phone.  Peggy called to suggest I try again to schedule a COVID vaccination since she was able to schedule one for David the day before we leave for HHI.  I tried, but no luck, I can't drive to Plattsburgh or Potsdam.

After talking to Connie in the evening, I checked out ON DEMAND to see if there was anything on PBS that interested me.  I watched this

Forgotten Genius

Against all odds, African-American chemist Percy Julian became one of the great scientists of the 20th century.

and it was excellent!


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