Saturday, February 20th, 2021 LOST KEYS, etc

 When I was getting ready to go to Lewiston to visit Carrie and sign a document giving permission for her to get a COVID vaccination, I could not find my car keys.   I had to use one of my extra keys to go.  The visit went well and the papers got signed.  When I got home, I continued to search. I even emptied out the kitchen garbage.  When Peggy and David came over to replace the furnace filters, they helped me look, but the keys are NOWHERE to be found, at least in the house.  It is possible that I dropped them in the driveway.  The last time I remember having them in my hand was Thursday afternoon.  When I got back from my dermatologist appointment and picking up my prescription and took my bags (including take out food from Wendy's and Arby's) and took my bags into the house, I realized that I had left my two bags with my Paula's Donuts in the back seat.  So I went out to the garage and got them out of the car.  I may have dropped them in the driveway when I walked back to the front porch.  I have searched everywhere inside, including the front porch.

I asked Mary and Eric to keep an eye out for the keys, and I will ask Betty to come over and walk in the driveway and see if she can find them.  The guy came and plowed in the evening, so if they were in the driveway most likely they have been thrown into the yard with the snow.

I showered and washed my hair, did a load of laundry and worked on completing my packing.  I have SO much stuff.  Because of COVID, and having to take disinfectant, hand sanitizer, my sheet sleeping bag and extra pillow causes, etc. it seems like I have more than usual.  Also, it has been cooler down south and its impossible to know if I will need jeans or shorts or if I will need a sweater or even something warmer.  


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