Sunday, February 7, 2021

 When I got up it was snowing heavily.  I decided to put my car in the garage in case the plow fellow were to come before I left for church.  I am glad I did that because a few minutes after I came inside, the plow fellow came and did both driveways.  I decided to watch church online instead of going because of the relentless snow.  I called Myrna to tell her that I would not be able to save her a seat and she said she was going to stay home, also.  It stopped snowing about 10:20 and the sun came out and I wished that I had gotten myself ready for church.  There was not enough time for me to get ready and get over to the other end of town in time.  I called Janie to tell her that my sidewalk needs shoveling and she agreed to bring Dillon over to do it later on, since Dominic had already left for work.  

I watched the rest of THE DIG, a true story.

  It is an excellent movie.  

I decided it would be a good day to prepare myself a nice meal.  I took a steak out of the freezer, thawed it and marinated it and cooked it in my George Forman Grill.  I also prepared a sweet potato and a summer squash, and some onions and mushrooms for my steak.  The steak came out well

In the evening, I settled in to watch PBS for three hours:  Miss Scarlett, All Creatures, and The Long Song.  


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