Thursday, February 11, 2021 Life Group

 Peg's Life Group was this morning, at Freedom Church.  Betty and I attended in person and Bobbie joined us over the phone.  The topic was avoiding being a people pleaser, in favor of being a God pleaser.  It was pretty good.  

When it was over, Betty and I went out to pick up lunch stuff, and Peg, Betty and I had lunch together at the church.  I had a grilled chicken sandwich from Cucimano's (formerly Andersons).  It was quite good.  I wish I had more four dollar coupons for this sandwich.

I watched part of the impeachment trial. After napping I had a light supper and I continued checking out Peg's geocache information.  I found an envelope and got the package ready to mail to Cassandra.  I am going to mail her the book about Anne Franks childhood friend.  


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