Thursday, February 18, 2021 Dermatologist, Y etc.

On the way to my dermatology appointment in Clarence, I stopped at Paula's Donuts and bought three donuts, two for me and one to give Peggy to give to David. This was the first time I found Dr. Dee's  office without driving by at least once.  His sign is SO small, that it is hard to see and every other time I drove by it at least once, but sometimes two or three times, before seeing it.   Anyways, the spot near my right eye that I have been concerned about is harmless, which is a relief.  I paid my bill, made an appointment and picked up an assortment of free samples on my way out. 

I met Peg at the Y. Our plan was to walk the track, but she does not have  a Y membership and because of COVID, they don't let visitors use the facility anymore.  That was a disappointment.  So, Peggy left and I stayed and walked the track about twenty minutes.  I ran into Kathy as I was leaving and we chatted a bit on the way out to our cars, but it was too cold to stop and talk.  

I went to Arby's and got a sandwich and to Wendy's to get a baked potato.  I went to RiteAid and picked up my Viberzi and some cream that the Dr. Dee recommended for my toes (he said I have a slight fungal infection) and then I went to NorthWest Bank and cashed the check Peggy gave me so I will have some cash on hand when we go to South Carolina.

I tried to reach Sue by phone, but ended up leaving a message.  I called Connie and we talked for twenty minutes or so.  Sue called back before I took my nap.  She will have her colonoscopy this coming Saturday. 

I am appalled at some liberal peoples response to Rush Limbaugh's death.  I only listened to him a few times over the years because I found him to be obnoxious.  Because I didn't follow him, I was unaware of some pretty bad things he said.  But STILL, he just passed away and his family is mourning him .REALLY, though,  I think maybe the liberals hate him because he laid the framework for the conservative talk radio movement.  Rush dared to stand up and talk back to the radical liberals and challenged the mainstream media which almost always seems to be promoting the liberal viewpoint instead of merely reporting.

In the evening, I gathered all of my tourist info. together (somewhat organized) and packed it in my JERUSALEM bag, along with my GPS, and there is room for a few more items that I won't need until we get to HH. 

I watched the last episode of NURSES which I missed and started to watch the second half of THE BLACK CHURCH on PBS.


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