Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

 I went to the Ladies Life Group at Freedom Church this morning.  There were only six of us there.  It went well.  Marlene asked me if I can help her out next Tuesday by picking her up at Hillmans after she leaves her car there, and then taking her back after the Life Group.  On the way home, I stopped at Mark's and picked up a slice of pizza for my lunch.  Elaine left me a voicemail to tell me she was able to get both of her vaccinations scheduled.  Paula Falsioni called, also.  I need to call her back.  She purchased and donated two books to the Lockport Public Library, in remembrance of  Mary Anne.  

I started watching the impeachment hearing online and then switched to CBS on TV.   I fell asleep before DJT's second lawyer started to speak.  In my opinion, the first lawyer who spoke did NOT do a good job.

Betty called.  She is going stir crazy, having been at home since her eye surgery.  I suggested that maybe she and I can have lunch together on Thursday at Freedom Church, after Peg's Life Group.  We could go out and pick something up and bring it back to the church.

In the evening, I sorted through Peggy's Hilton Head etc. information that she gave me, and got it somewhat organized and I started going through her geocache information that she got together for a previous trip.  I checked to find out if they are still available.  Some are archived.  

I watched the new episode of THIS IS US.


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