Friday, March 19th, 2021

 I decided to go to FASHION OUTLET MALL in Niagara Falls this morning to see if I could use two gift certificates, each for $25.00, that Mary Anne gave me.  I talked to someone on OLD NAVY there, who said I would need to go to the Customer Service office and she told me how to find it.  I could not find it so I asked a woman in a jewelry store and she told me that there really is not a Customer Service Office anymore.   UGH

Since I was so close to the city of Niagara Falls,  I decided to find the convention center where I will need to go on Monday for my COVID shot.  I found the center, which is huge, and I drove all around it, but did not see any signs announcing an entrance for the shot.  I finally asked a policeman who pointed it out to me.  He agreed that there SHOULD be a sign because he had been pointing the entrance out to people since early this morning.  I looked around for parking and found a few lots that involve payment, but oh well, I will just have to bite the bullet and pay on Monday.   I pulled over in front of a small hotel which appeared to be closed, in order to look at the map and plan a route back home and as I pulled out,  the little exclamation point that announces low tire pressure came on.  By that time, I was not in a very nice neighborhood so I decided the best thing to do was head back to Lockport right away and get the tire checked.  

In Sanborn, I decided to go through the TIM HORTONS Drive Thru and get some lunch in case I got stuck waiting for tire repair.  When I got to the window to pay and pick up my ham and cheese sandwich, the girl told me that the driver ahead of me paid for most of my lunch but I still  owed sixty three cents.  I paid that and then asked her to check the balance on a gift card I had.  It had about seven dollars on it, and I asked her to give the credit to the driver behind me.  

When I got to Lockport, I went to Beauman's Garage because it is the closest place to my house and if I had to, I could leave the car and walk home.  They took my car in right away and found a nail in one of the tires, so they removed it and plugged the hole and charged me eleven dollars. 

I didn't get a whole lot accomplished at home.  I found a mailing envelope and got a package with a book ready to send to Connie (a book about a dog) and wrote out a card to my former niece Chris Adams, who lost her husband a few weeks ago.  John was about sixty years old.  I don't know what caused his death.  

Gail called in the evening and we talked for a few minutes.  I finished watching THE MINIATURIST on ON DEMAND, channel 100.


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