Thursday March 25th, 2021 at the IROQUOIS

 I was the first one to arrive at the Visitors Center this morning.  When I turned down Casey Road, I noticed that the sign for Casey Road was gone.  I was concerned that Cindi might be driving around looking for Casey Road, so I went back to the intersection and waited, hoping she would see me there and know where to turn.  So, she and I met up there and then drove to the VC.  A few minutes later, Betty arrived.  

We decided to walk the trail that goes behind the Visitors Center. (The Headquarters Trail, which is a mile long)   I took several pictures. 

We saw a lot of turtles resting on floating logs!

When we returned to our cars, we decided to meet up at the red barns in front of the Kanyoo Trail.  We walked that trail, stopping to see many, many turtles who were resting on logs in the swamp.  Then we decided to check out the feeder canal trail, hoping to see some swans.  We did see a couple of white swans.  On the way out, we saw several snakes just outside the door to the small barn.  Betty got a little freaked out.


We decided to go to Miller's to purchase sandwiches for lunch. Betty led the way and Cindi and I followed. I purchased a sandwich, a small bag of chips, a drink and some dark chocolate covered cashews.   There was only one table at Millers and it was taken, so we decided to drive west on 104 to Harris Farms, hoping to get ice cream and use their picnic tables.  When we got there, we realized that they had not opened up for the season yet.  However, a couple of the owners were there and since Betty knows them,(her son in law is related to them) she asked them if they would set up a table for us.  They did, and we had our lunch there.  

I headed home and left Betty and Cindi there since they wanted to walk down to see someone they both know in the Harris family. 

I got home and checked email and saw that the estate lawyer responded to me.  She is not willing to close the estate now since there are two accounts outstanding:  the SS and a federal tax refund.  She suggested another early disbursement,   I emailed her back and asked her to move ahead on that. 

 After putting my stuff away, I decided to read in bed for a while.  I am reading NOMADLAND and enjoying it.   I started to drift off to sleep when the phone rang and it was Kevin Layer.  He wanted to know what is taking so long with settling Mary Anne's estate.  He claimed that  the lawyer told him that I am holding things up and that she has refused to return his last several phone calls.  He did a lot of yelling and threatening to come home from Myrtle Beach (he seems to be there on a job) in order to go to the lawyers office tomorrow and make demands!   I explained that I have requested another early disbursement and  I suggested he not come home now, that instead he be patient for a few days.  I am not sure he really heard anything I said since he was too busy yelling and acting threatening.  I did not know that he had been contacting the estate lawyer since neither she nor he mentioned that to me. I agreed to let him know when I hear from the lawyer.   Anyways, he succeeded in ruining my nap.  

I listened to President Biden's first press conference online.  I feel sorry for him, this job is just too tough on him.  The reporters seem to be treating him with kid gloves (nothing at all like they treated Trump), but even so, he appears to be struggling to hold his thoughts together.  


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