FRIDAY, April 16th, 2021

 I met with Kevin Kopek at NORTHWEST Bank this morning.  He made a couple of phone calls to check on two accounts that I was concerned about since I did not know if they were current or closed.  They were closed.  We reviewed my accounts at NW, and he realized that I am still using the checking account connected to Mary Anne's previous account, without any assignment of beneficiaries.  So, I opened a new checking account and assigned Megan and Christa as beneficiaries.  We talked about a couple more issues pertaining to the money in the new checking account and the money market account but did not reach a decision about exactly  what would work best.  I will call him next week and we will continue.

Before going to Denny's to meet Marlene for lunch, I went to the library and read todays paper.  I read that the DIPSON Theatre at Eastern Hills Hall will re-open at the end of this month!   Marlene and I had lunch at Denny's and discussed our trip to Glacier National Park.  She has some questions for the travel agent, and tried to reach her by phone but couldn't.  We agreed that she will try later on to make an appointment for next Monday or Tuesday.

It was still early so I decided to go out to TRACTOR SUPPLY and see if they had any sleeping bags.  They did not.  Neither did JOHNSON'S COUNTRY STORE.  I went to RUNNINGs and they had several to choose from.  I chose one and bought it.  I was looking for one that did not have a nylon lining.  I wanted something like the flannel lining of my first sleeping bag, purchased in 1970.  That bag had a real workout over the years, with both Megan and Christa using it at times.   I think the new one  will work out well.  I actually tried it when I took my nap.  I think I will keep it BUT I doubt if I will ever be able to get it back into the cloth bag it came in !!!!!

Sue R. called in the evening and we talked for a bit and made tentative plans to get together as soon as my two weeks up post-immunization.    I still have eleven days to go.  I tried to reach Leslie by phone, but she did not answer.  


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