THURSDAY, April 22, 2021

 When I called Peg to find out when she will go for her COVID test, I got the bad news that Jim Ander had a heart attack (I think this happened yesterday) and is in a Buffalo hospital (Mercy).  His wife, Karen, was asked if he has a DNR, so it sounds like it is serious and that he may not make it.  

I called my Aunt Linda (she lives down south, I think Louisiana) and told her about it, since she was married to Jim's brother Frank.   She gave me the phone number for Jim's brother who lives here in Lockport, so Peg and I have it in case Karen needs it.  She had indicated to Peggy that she had been unable to reach him.    Linda said Jim is 71 or so. 

I took a whole fruitcake out of my freezer so that I can give a large piece of it to Myrna.  I was concerned how it would freeze, but it is great!!! Just like fresh.  I took some meatloaf and the fruitcake over to Myrna.

Turns out that Peggy has COVID.  Since she and I were in kind of close contact last Saturday when we worked in the basement, I need to isolate for ten days from Saturday.  


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