I had a nine fifteen a.m. appointment with Kevin K. at NorthWest Bank. I was a few minutes late because of cleaning my car off (I think we had 3 inches of snow during the night) and also I moved some stuff in the garage so that I could put my car inside it when I got home. The meeting with Kevin went quickly and smoothly and I signed the paperwork to have my Principal Distribution sent to my Money Market Account. I will also put some of my inheritance into a new SYMMETRA account. We agreed to meet next Wednesday to finalize that. After that I went to Niagara Produce and purchased some produce and then took those items home before going to my eye appointment with Dr. Legaretta.
Before going home, I filled up on gas, stopped at Rite Aid and picked up two Jr. Roast Beef sandwiches for five dollars at Cucimato's.
I also drove out to Outwater Park to take a few pictures of the Magnolia trees with fresh snow on them.
When I got home, there was a phone message from Peg. I called her back and she said she is very sick, perhaps a reaction to her Pfizer shot on Monday. Yolanda Cologgi, Dave Carson, his daughter Jaelle and her husband also have COVID. This is the third wave to hit our church.
I rested in the afternoon. Betty called to tell me she had a great flight and was at Debbie's house. She said it is 90 degrees there!
Myrna called in the evening and we talked for a half hour or more. She was at her kidney doctors for three hours this afternoon having a DOPPLER, which involved her moving into lots of different positions and holding her breath while pictures were taken. The news was good, though, her kidney is doing better than it was previously, even though the tumor next to it has gotten bigger.
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