FRIDAY, June 25th, 2021

 I did laundry and cleaning and straightening this morning and then I went to Rite Aid and Niagara Produce to get a few items that I need.  I called Marlene and asked her if she might come over for supper and she agreed, so I took a quart of blackeye pea soup out of the freezer.  I also made a batch of brownies.

I rested and read in the afternoon.  I thought I would read the kids version and then decide if the adult version would be worthwhile.  I decided to NOT read the adult version.  I am not convinced that Kendi knows what he is talking about.  

Marlene arrived a few minutes after 5:30 p.m.  We had soup, cheese and crackers, and fruit salad.  Then we went out to OUTWATER PARK and I took the wheel and drove around the north end for twenty minutes or a half hour so I could get a "feel" for her new jeep.  When we got back to my place, we had desert (blueberry ice cream and lactose free ice cream.  Then we looked at maps and planned our route for our trip.  I gave her $120 to cover gas for the trip.


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