Sunday, June 27th, 2021

 Peg and I left church a little bit early today, in order to head to Auburn to meet up with Mike and Tina and Tyler.  I did not realize that Mikes hand was in front of Tina's face.

We arrived five or ten minutes apart but it took us another ten minutes to find each other.  Tyler loaded his bag into the back of my car and we headed back to Lockport, stopping only to change drivers a couple of times.

We thought we might have supper at CRACKER BARREL but it was very crowded and would have meant a fifty minute wait.  While I was in there, checking on that, Tyler told Peggy that he likes Chinese food, so she used her smart phone to find the nearest buffet, which turned out to be 

It was a pretty good buffet, which we all enjoyed. (on the way there we almost got sidewswiped by another car whose driver was pulling over due to an ambulance coming towards us).After enjoying our supper, we continued on to Lockport to drop Peggy off and then to my house.  I had phone messages from Connie(she had to go to the ER again, when she felt extremely weak) and Gail.  Sue called later on and we talked for a couple of minutes.  She said that when I we were discussing places to go for lunch and I said "you are coming with us", that it made her feel good.

In the evening, I showed Tyler how to use my ROKU TV and he found a show to watch STORAGE WARS.  I was exhausted and went to bed at nine p.m.


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