Wednesday, June 23, 2021

I slept in a bit and then did some organizing in my living room, since my piles of papers and magazines are getting out of control.  I went through the small dresser in the corner and threw away a lot of papers and other items.  I talked to Myrna on the phone.  Peggy called and we firmed up some joint plans.  I finished watching THE ACCIDENT on HULU. 

In the evening FREEDOM CHURCH held their annual picnic/party at the community garden.

I arrived at 5:15 to help with the set up, and then I served the pizza.  We offered pizza, chips, drinks and deserts.  There was a big turnout, and I took several pictures.   This one was before many people arrived, while we were setting up the food.

                                                 Serving the food to our guests.
                         The CORN HOLE was a big hit.

                                                   Peggy and Craig

My cousin Bridget was there and I talked with her a bit.  She just had surgery in her veins in her upper leg. 

I took several pictures.  When I got home, I was pretty tired, so I decided to relax in front of my ROKU TV.  I found the documentary POPULATION ZERO about a man who murdered three boys in Yellowstone Park, in an area that was so scarcely populated that there were not enough people to form a jury, so the killer was freed even though he confessed.   It turns that it was NOT a TRUE documentary, so it was really a waste of my time watching it.

Connie called.  She had to go to the ER when her heart was palpating.  Also, she may have found a camper to purchase.  She saw it in the WalMart parking lot and the owner showed it to her.  


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