Monday, August 23, 2021 Drive to Auburn (Day One of Trip)

Monday 8/23

I prepared scrambled eggs and toast for Meg, Cass and I this morning.  They left at ten a.m. and I kicked into first gear and started getting myself and my stuff ready for the drive to Auburn.  I left at twelve thirty.  I stopped and got gas on  the transit and got onto the thruway. There was quite a bit of traffic on the thruway.   I stopped twice at rest areas to use the ladies room. At the second stop, I purchased some garlic knots and a Dr. Pepper.  Most of the thruway rest areas were closed, except for the gas station part.  That is a first. The toll stations have all been removed, but I have my EZ Pass.

When I arrived in Auburn, I realized that I was probably heading in the wrong direction to follow the directions Leslie gave me.  I noticed that I was on South Street, and I stopped in front of the old theatre and called her.

Turns out I was in a good spot.  All I had to do was turn left and drive up the hill and park in front of her apartment building.  She met me there and helped me carry my stuff up.  We decided to do some geocaching.  She had info about three local caches.  We looked for all three and found two.  My favorite cache that afternoon was the one along a trail behind a church:

Then we went to McD's mostly so I could use their wifi since Leslie does not have wifi in her apartment.  I had an iced tea and she had a burger and fries. 

It was starting to get dark when we left McD's and headed back to her place.  After we took our stuff in, we decided to take a walk.  It was a nice night for a walk. 

We played two games of YAHTZEE in the social room downstairs before going up.   


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