September 30th, 2021

 I attended Peggy's FREEDOM GROUP this morning.  Everyone was present and it went very well.  I gave Peggy back the rest of her book that I just finished reading last night and I told her that a fourth person has been added to my group who will attend the CareNet Banquet next month.   Bonnie had called this morning and said that Crystal Cleri wants to join us.  

After the group I went to Rite Aid hoping to get my Xidra.  I was told it is on back order.  First the clerk offered to call the other Rite Aids to see if they could fill my script but then she asked if it would be OK if they only gave me ONE box out of the THREE (three month supply) that I normally get.  I said yes and she said they have one box, but it will take time for them to process it and then they will call me so I can pick it up.  

My final technology issue of yesterday was when I received an email (maybe) from NORTONS saying I could add another device.  I was going to go through the process but instead I called William at JB's Computers and he told me that Chromebooks have built in virus protection.  I wasn't really sure that the email was really from NORTONS, so I changed my password just in case. 

I baked a HUGE butternut squash and mashed it.  I will decide what to do with it tomorrow.  

I called Rite Aid late in the day and was told to call the Davison Road store to see if the box of Xidra was ready.  I tried a couple of times, but was put on PERPETUAL HOLD for too long, so I just went there, and it was ready.  Then I went to Niagara Produce to get a few items I need so I can make COWBOY BEANS, which I will do tomorrow.  


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