Saturday, November 20th, 2021

 I was still sleeping when the phone rang a little before nine a.m. this morning.  I had been awake a couple of times during the night which is why I was still asleep.  Betty wanted to know if I was planning on going to the Saturday Market, which just moved inside after being outdoors since late spring.  I told her I might go, but was not sure.

When I got up and moving, I decided to prepare carrots in my small crockpot, so I cleaned, peeled and cut them up and covered them with orange juice to cook.  Then I decided to see if the ham I bought would fit into my largest crockpot.  I had to slice the top off to make it fit.  I rinsed the ham in water, then in ginger ale, and then made a paste of pineapple juice and brown sugar to put over it, and I placed pineapple slices and cloves on the outside and put it in the crockpot.  Then I called Peggy and asked her if she and David would like to come for supper.  She said yes and we agreed to five thirty p.m.

Betty stopped by to pick up the recipe for mac and cheese, a card for Liz and an envelope that Myrna gave me for her.  

Now I had company coming so I started cleaning!   I found my camera under my dining room table!!!  I vacuumed the living room and dining area, and cleaned the toilet and bathroom sink, had a light lunch and laid down for a bit.  I could not fall asleep.

I decided kind of at the last minute to make raisin sauce for the ham.  David and Peggy arrived a few minutes late.  We had ham, raisin sauce, baked sweet potatoes, carrots, cold pea salad, crusty bread, homemade pickles and baked custard for desert.  

We decided to have Thanksgiving dinner at Peggy and David's house, since Carrie will not be here until the day after.  This way, they will not have to transport the turkey, gravy and stuffing.  David is going to make a banana cream pie.  Betty will make the macaroni and cheese.  I will take the cranberry relish that Myrna made, devilled eggs, chex mix, maybe fruitcake if I get it made in time, and possibly muffins. 

I tried to get hold of Becky to let her know of the change of plans but she did not answer either phone.


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