Sunday, November 7th

 I set the clocks back last night and tried to take advantage of the extra hour of sleep but that did not work.  I found myself ready for church way too early, so I decided it would be a good time to go to WalMart and get a turkey and take it to Peg's house and put it in her freezer when I went over to feed Petra.  However, I found that my car would not start.   I called AAA and they sent Beauman's but it took quite a while.  In the meantime, I put cabbage, onions and cider into my small crockpot and worked a bit more on my FREEDOM GROUP homework.   I went out at ten a.m. and tried to start the car and it started right up.  Beauman's arrived a few minutes later and I explained what happened.  The guy checked my battery and found it to be fine, and he said the started appeared to be working well, too.  I decided to skip going to WalMart and I went to Peg's and took care of Petra and then went to church, arriving about seven minutes late.  

The car started right back up after church and I went to the Kenan Center to meet up with Elaine as we had planned.  We wanted to buy tickets for the basket auction.  Yesterday we had left our purses in the car so did not have any money.  I waited for Elaine but she did not show up so I decided to leave after 25 minutes.  As I was driving out, she was coming in, so we both stopped our cars and she said she got held up at church.  That was what I figured happened.  

I went to ADVANCE AUTO and purchased a bottle of FUEL INJECTION ADDITIVE that the mechanic from Beauman's had suggested and picked up a small tuna sub from SUBWAY, which I had for lunch.  

After lunch I took a nap.  Later on, I moved the car to the other driveway facing the street, in case it refuses to start in the morning.  I had cabbage and onions and my last Zwiegle's hot dog for supper.  

I checked the weather and it is going to be a nice day tomorrow, so I messaged Jan and she and I decided to get together in the morning and go to either the refuge or the Town of Lockport Nature Trails.


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