Tuesday, November 9th 2021

After taking care of Petra this morning, I went to the Tuesday morning ladies life group at Freedom Church.  It went well.  When it was over, Cindi took our orders for lunch specials at THE MAYFLOWER.  While she went to pick them up, I ran over to TOPS to see if they had the quick bread mixes that I need in order to make Kay Nenni's  FESTIVE FRUIT CAKE.  They did have them and I made that purchase as well as getting some dishwasher liquid.

Betty showed up at the church in time for our lunch.  Everyone was happy to see her.  She and I, Robyn and Cindi sat at one table and the others sat at another table.  The others were talking about BINGO and got very loud a few times!

In the evening, I called Marlene to see how she is doing.  She said she started back to work today and it went well.  She mentioned a play about THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS in Mt. Morris coming up and I found the information online and we requested four free tickets and made plans to go on Sunday.  Marsha and Dee will accompany us.  

The weather predicted for tomorrow is warm and sunny, so I called Jan and asked her if she might want to go to the TOWN OF LOCKPORT NATURE TRAILs tomorrow morning and she said yes, so I told her I would call her when I am done taking care of Peggy's cat.  


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