February 24th, 2022 Thursday and Friday the 25th.

THURSDAY:  Last night I slept better than I have since the pain in my leg started (about two weeks ago).  First thing this morning after I got up, I started a chuck roast, onions and carrots in my largest crockpot.  I got the ingredients ready for bread putting, which I will prepare for dessert.   

I went to Medwell and saw Erica regarding the strange, intermittent pain in my left hip, groin and leg.  She diagnosed the problem as INFLAMMATION.  She prescribed a six-day course of steroids.  She said that continuing my chiropractic treatment is OK.  When I got home, there was a recorded message from Rite Aid telling me it was ready.  I threw the bread pudding together and put it in the oven and went to pick up my two scripts:  the steroid and eye drops for after the laser surgery next Wednesday.  Rite Aid had a table set up just inside the front door, with lots of government issue N95 masks.  They are different (and better) than the other ones I picked up last week.  I came home and added the potatoes to the crockpot and made muffins for supper.  Took a nap, got up and cut the roast into smaller pieces and returned it the crockpot and added mushrooms.  Started making "pea salad".  

Peg arrived at 5:45, just as I was taking everything out of the crockpot.  Our meal was delicious!  I gave her enough for her lunch tomorrow as well as a couple of muffins and a helping of bread pudding for David.  We had a nice visit.  

I saw on the TODAY SHOW this morning that the tv show LAW AND ORDER is returning tonight after a 12 year hiatus, so I decided to try it.  I have never watched a full episode but I probably have seen a few bits of the show over the years.  

FRIDAY:    It snowed in the night and I decided to stay home today, instead of going to the Y for the one p.m. walking club.  I figured it was a good day to scan Peggy's pictures from her 1988 mission trip to Mexico and I completed that and put them all into a set on her flickr page.   All of the time I was scanning, labelling and moving to flickr, I was on hold with Social Security.  They have not issued Mary Anne's final benefit check.  I finally hung up and wrote them a letter, which I will put in the mail tomorrow.  

I tried a different recipe for YORKSHIRE PUDDINGS, to go with my leftover roast for lunch.  I am not happy with the way they turned out.  

Peg shared a short video of a Russian tank rolling right over an occupied vehicle in Ukraine.  I burst into tears while watching it.  I feel hatred for Putin.

The pain in my left groin, hip and leg is almost nonexistent today.  Of course, I have no way of knowing if it is the chiropractic treatment or the steroids the doc prescribed.


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