Monday, February 7th, 2022

 I had a great nights sleep.  I was SO exhausted last evening (I did not take a nap) that I kept dozing off during AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS, so I took a sleeping pill and went to bed at nine thirty or so.    I was awake kind of early this morning, unfortunately.

I had a list of phone calls to make this morning:

KEVIN KOPEK at NW bank, he confirmed that my new debit card has been issued and I should get it in the mail in a couple of weeks.  He suggested that I check my credit cards to see if there has been any unusual activity so I checked the two that I have in my wallet and everything is AOK.  I checked Citizens Bank, too and it is fine, but I was put on hold in order to change my password, so I will have to get back to them.

KAREN:  the driver for Hearts and Hands.  We confirmed that she will pick me up at 10:50 on Thursday to take me to Dr. Legaretta's office in Williamsville.

KENAN CENTER: to register Jan and I for the watercolor class, but Candy who answered the phone had no details and said she would get back to me.

Zack the TOYOTA salesman, I left a message asking if they sell LEXUS and he left me a message later on that they don't.

Breanna (Carrie's case manager) to make sure I had the correct mailing address for the signature pages I needed to return to her.  

I called Betty to ask her if she wanted to go to the Y for the Silver Sneakers Classic class at one p.m. and she said maybe, but she did not show up.

I met up with Jan at the Y for the one p.m. SILVER SNEAKERS classic class.  There were only four of us there.  I have to admit that it is getting easier over time.  Today I did not get as worn out as I have in the past.  

I tried to nap in the afternoon before returning to the Y for the craft class, but I could not fall asleep.  I got a nice letter in the mail from Cassy, along with a few of her business cards.  She is so sweet!

I met up with Jan at the Y for the Craft Class.  We made a Valentine' s Day garland

This is my garland:  

This is Jan's garland:

I finished watching JOE PICKETT on spectrum.  It is a very good, clean series, ten episodes.


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