Saturday, February 26th MORE FRAUD

 I ran a few errands this morning: picking up a script at Rite Aid, taking books back to the library and I stayed to read the last few days local papers.  I purchased this book from the used book corner. 

When I got home, I was preparing lunch when Paula called, and we talked for a bit.

I decided to check my NorthWest Bank online account since they sent out a fraud alert yesterday.  I found a charge, posted February 9th for something purchased at and the item must have been purchased at Walmart in Arkansas.  Unfortunately, customer service at NW Bank is closed until Monday morning at eight a.m.  I tried to get some help from WalMart, but the charge was made using my OLD debit card, before the new one was issued after the first fraud alert.   

I tried to nap, but most likely I was too tense from the FRAUD issue, so I rested and listened to a couple of podcasts by Dennis Prager.

I decided to use my last piecrust to make a couple of small meat pies using my leftover roast beef, carrots and potatoes.  They turned out pretty good.  

I watched the movie NO EXIT

and read some in the evening.  


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