Saturday, February 5th, 2022

 I changed my sheets in the morning and worked on sorting pajamas.  The sun was shining, and I have not been out of the house since Wednesday, so I decided it was a good time to get out of the house.    I called Betty to see if she might want to go to a movie, but she she was not interested.  I called Cindi and suggested that it might be a good day to go to the Kenan Center for the art exhibit.  She agreed and we agreed to meet up at the Kenan at two p.m. when they open. I messaged Jan and asked if she wanted to join us, and she said she had plans with her granddaughter.  I left a phone message for Marlene, but she did not call back. 

I left early and went to the library to pick up a book they were holding for me.  I went to two Rite Aids and got the free government issue masks.  I got three at each place.  They do not seem to be very good quality and I was surprised that they are loose.  At one of the Rite Aids the worker put three of the masks into a paper bag and at the other Rite Aid, the worker reached into a box and pulled three masks out and handed them to me.  

Then I went to the Kenan and waited a bit until Cindi arrived.  

The exhibit is really goodAfter we left the Kenan Center, we decided to take a walk.  It was pretty cold so we did not walk long.  I stopped at the downtown Niagara Produce and picked up some keilbasa and some red potatoes.e

I was hoping to find my sidewalk shoveled when I got home, but it wasn't.   Chuck had agreed to keep it cleaned up for me, just continuing down Phelps Street in front of my house after doing Dick Whalen's sidewalk.  Dick's was clean but not mine.  I have a phone number for Chuck but it was not working, so I wrote him a note and took it to his house.  Nobody was home, but they have a hook on the outside of their storm door, so I left the note there.  Someone came later on and took care of it.  

I roasted cabbage and the red potatoes for my supper and broiled the sausage.  It was a very good meal.

I decided to find something on TV to watch and settled on 24 on the ROKU channel.  

  Wikipedia says it has 192 episodes sooooooooooooo I may not stick with it very long.   I decided not to and tried JOE PICKETT on Spectrum.  It is pretty good and I will stick with this one.  


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