Wednesday, March Ninth, 2022 and Thursday March Tenth and Friday the 11th of March

WEDNESDAY:   I did not get a lot of sleep last night.  I got up earlier than usual and got ready for the day and decided to pick up some groceries before going over to take care of Petra.   After feeding her, I went to Rite Aid to pick up my prescription for Pantoprazole.  The weird thing is that when I called and requested it through the automated system, I was told it would be ready yesterday but when I arrived and requested it I was told I would have to wait a few minutes since it was not counted out.  Anyways, I waited and got it and then went to Aldi's.  I found almost everything I needed  including these socks which were very inexpensive 

Aldi's did not have any  CRISCO, so I had to go to WalMart where I found it and a few other items.  On the way home, I mailed out my vouchers with checks enclosed to the Fed and State, since I had to pay both this year.  

I tried to nap but I was not successful.  I got up and did a few things before it was time to go to Elaine's house where I met up with her and Sarah.  Elaine drove us to the Cambria Congregational Church where we picked up corned beef dinners.  $13 for the meal including desert! One of the best things about this dinner is all the homemade desserts to choose from.

               Yes, they really do have all of these flavors.  I chose elderberry, and it was SO good.

We took them to Elaine's house and ate together.  Allison joined us a little before five p.m.  She had some very bad news for us.  All of the staff at the Presbyterian home,  I saved this picture.

where she hs worked for many years were gathered together and they were told that the home will close in six weeks.  It had been purchased by a larger company (Beechwood) that runs several homes of various levels of care here in Western New York.  Allison had a hard time not crying, and I understand.  I have heard her say that the Presbyterian Home is like a home to her.  Elaine was shocked also, since she has been a part of the auxiliary for many years and has been involved in fund raising and purchasing stuff for the residents. Elaine knows many residents and a lot of people on staff.   I was also shocked.  I have been to MANY events there:  basket raffles, holiday festivals, a painting class, a tea party and more.  Not too long ago I spent a few hours peeling apples for apple pies for an event they were getting ready for.  I don't know if Sarah has any connections to the PH.  Allison said that the number of residents started declining about five years ago.  She said that the residents can move to another facility owned by the corporation and that there are jobs with Beechwood for everyone.  I feel so bad for Allison.  She has put her heart and soul into her job.  

I left Elaine's house at five p.m. in order to go home and put the rest of my supper in the refrigerator.  Peggy had called and left a message that she had lunch with our cousin Judy, who owns a second home in Florida.  I took care of my food and had a couple of bites of my elderberry pie and then got ready to go to the Kenan Center for the water painting class.  

I met up with Jan at the KENAN.   The water painting class was really good. 

   These are my masterpieces.  I don't think they really  look like roses, but I like them.

There were at least ten people, maybe more.  At first, I thought the teacher was going too fast, but I guess I got caught up OK.  I really enjoyed it,  I am thinking of getting some water colors in tubes and a couple of brushes and working more on painting roses.


I went to my chiropractic appointment, went to the Dollar Tree (where I purchased some water color supplies) and Office Max and then picked up lunch from The Mayflower.  I was disappointed that the "mouse" I purchased for my laptop computer is a piece of junk.  I think it was in the wrong spot when I picked it out, because I didn't know it was a clearance item, but my receipt says it is.  I plan to return it.  I worked on my homework for the Tuesday morning Ladies Life Group. I am almost halfway through it.  In the evening I talked to Connie and Peggy on the phone. 

I called Betty and we discussed the idea of going to see the movie DOG tomorrow, but we decided not to since the weather might be bad.  I have an appointment with Kevin Kopec at nine a.m. and then with Zach at Basil Toyota at ten thirty a.m. to check out the car that they found for me.  


I missed my nine a.m. appointment with Kevin since I was not feeling well.  


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