Tuesday, April 5th, 2022 Life Group and Scam Attempt

I did not sleep well last night.  I decided to run a couple of errands before going to the church.  I went to the USPS and mailed some old photographs to Christa.  I know I am going to see her in less than ten days, but at that time, she will have her wrists bandaged or in splints, so she won't be able to go through the pictures. 

 The Ladies Life Group was great!   Cindi is such a good leader.  I think there were sixteen of us present today.  Glenda had a medical appointment, so she arrived late.  A few of the ladies decided to go to lunch at THE OLIVE LEAF, but I decided not to join them.  I stopped at Marks Pizza and bought a slice of chicken finger pizza.  It was a bit spicy.  


when I got a call from a fellow claiming to be from Amazon, wanting me to verify a fifteen hundred dollars purchase.  I said NO and asked him to cancel the order since it was not my purchase.  He wanted me to do a song and dance starting in google and somehow, he would be able to show me my order.  He kept getting irritated with me and eventually I told him that I suspected there was fraud involved and said I would go to the Amazon website and work things out myself.  At that he said I would just have to pay the fifteen hundred dollars and hung up on me.  I contacted Amazon and found out that there is NO order and that my credit card has been shut down anyways due to non-use.  I haven't used it in years.

I decided to clean out one of my junk drawers.  I found a SUNOCO card worth fifty dollars of gas!!!  I finished watching THE FATHER WHO MOVES MOUNTAINS.  It had a very poor ending; the viewer never finds out if the missing son was ever found even though this movie is based on a true story.

I called Barb (we were pretty much best friends in sixth, seventh and eighth grades until my family moved to the other end of the city.  We talked for about a half an hour; she is doing well, much better now that the pandemic is winding down. She got a new car a month or so ago.  She will let me know if the girls from our graduating class (1967) decide to start getting together for lunch again.  They did it once a week for years before COVID hit. 


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