Thursday, June 16th and FRIDAY June 17, 2022 NEW SPECTRUM PASSWORD

 I met up with Cassy and Quinn for breakfast at LaPORTS on Pine Street.  Our original plans were for them to pick me up and we would all go to Paula's Donuts in Clarence for donuts.  However, I thought bringing me back to Lockport would take more than a whole hour out of their day and hold them up for their drive to Oneonta.   They really did not know what route they would be taking but they were OK with my suggestion that we change plans.  

I didn't know that they do not really eat breakfast!  Cassy ordered orange juice and a cinnamon bun but she only took a couple of bits of her bun.  Quinn only had a cup of hot tea.  I ordered a full breakfast but did not eat all of it.  

We said our goodbyes at my car and I gave them an envelope full of pictures from a trip to DisneyWorld in Florida years ago to give to Megan.  Cassy took one last "selfie" which I hope she shares on FB.  

I went home for a while and did a small load of laundry before going to FREEDOM for Peggy's small Perry Stone group.  Cindi did not come this week, so it was Peggy, Betty and I.  After that, I went home for a while before getting ready to go to the LOCKPORT ALLIANCE CHURCH for the Basket Raffle and Chicken Dinner.  

When I arrived at five minutes after four p.m. (it started at four p.m.) Betty and Myrna were ready to leave and go to Myrna's apartment to eat their dinners.  So I gave Myrna the ticket I purchased for her and they left.  I purchased forty dollars' worth of tickets and put most of them on a beautiful Vera Bradley bag.  I met up with Jan there and we talked for a while.  We decided that she will drive tomorrow, to Eastern Hills Mall, to the Dipson Theatre where we will watch the newest Downton Abbey movie and then go to CORE LIFE for a late lunch.  (later on in the day, we cancelled these plans and decided to try for Monday).

After I finally deposited my tickets I went to Myrna's apartment. Betty and Myrna had already finished eating their chicken dinners.  We visited for a while before both Betty and I left.  

Betty called to tell me that she won a basket and Myrna won two baskets.  It looks like I didn't win anything.  I think they each spent five dollars and I spent forty dollars.  


Peggy and I set up a get together tomorrow for Peggy, Gail, Mike and I, at twelve thirty at THE FIELDSTONE.  

I went to HOME DEPOT to look at washing machines and found that they have a lot of "stacking" sets. I decided to check out the outdoors section and purchased two "annuals" that were on sale half price.  I returned an item to WalMart and went to the library to read the last couple of days newspapers.  When I got home, I planted one of the annuals and watered it.  I sorted through some bank statements that had piled up and called Kevin Kopek to get an issue clarified.  

In the evening, I was on the phone with SPECTRUM and was finally able to get back into Spectrum on my ROKU tv.  It was a Spectrum issue.  My new password is PHELP73& (for everything except email)  I am still using the temporary password mmi59db1 for email.

Elaine called.  She wants to get together to do something.  She may join Jan and I on Monday to go see the Downton Abbey movie. 

I also had a struggle with being able to "watch" in the Daily Wire on the Roku TV, but I was able to iron that out.  

I watched this:  true story of a young girl who got caught up in a cult and was rescued.


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