Tuesday, June 28th, 2022

 The Ladies Life Group at Krull Park went well, but there were only eight of us.  Elaine, me, Pam, Vicky, Mary, Karen, Glenda and Dee.  The weather was absolutely perfect.  After the meeting, we all met up at Gordy Harpers, and Jenny joined us.  I had the baked fish.  Dee invited me to play SEQUENCE with her and Elaine at Elaine's house, and I considered it, but declined.   I found a long sleeved dark blue t-shirt in one of the shops at GH's.  It is not really tye dye, but it is something similar.  I particularly like the color and will wear it with jeans.

I spent some time in the evening going over some of the information in the owners manual for my car.  I wanted to set the alarm, but found that it is already set.  I talked with Barb on the phone, she is still not feeling all that well.


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