WEDNESDAY, October 12, 2022 in ASP (Second Full Day in the Park)


Once again, I slept really good, but Jen and Cindi stayed up most of the night talking.  They have known each other since their college days in the 1970s.  They were both at the Christian Center Church in Brockport when I was there.  Coincidentally, Jen lived with the Ferrington's in the house in Troutberg which Bob and I rented earlier from the spring of 1973 to summer of 1976.

  Jen prepared bacon and eggs and we played some games. 

Then we drove up to the Summit Trail.  My leg was still bothering me,but it is much better than it was yesterday, so I waited outside of the warming building (for cross country skiers) while they walked up to see the Fire Tower and then walked the Bear Paw trail, a two mile circular trail that goes to the Stone Tower.  

Here are Cindi and Jen as they finished the trail.

We returned to the cottage for lunch and then We went to QUAKER LAKE, and found that the road to the Quaker Bathhouse was open, so we drove down.  We went down to the fishing area/spillway and sat for a while.

In the evening, we had a nice fire and s'mores.  Cindi played her guitar for a while.  It was pretty chilly after it got dark.


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