Sunday, November 20th. and Monday the 21st and Tuesday the 11/22/22

SUNDAY:   I decided to skip church today.  I planned to watch the eleven a.m. service online, but that did not work out.  I went to Aldi and got a Butterball turkey and some other groceries. Then I went to Peggy's house to take care of Petra.  Their driveway has not been plowed, so it was somewhat difficult getting to the front door while carrying the turkey. Then I went to Niagara Produce to get lactose free milk, since they did not have what I wanted at Aldi. Then I went to REID'S and picked up some lunch.  I have been wanting a hot dog for the past week or so.  I had them package my food up to take home.  I put the car back in the garage and was pulling one of the garbage cans up to the front of the house when my plow guy came again.  I watched some more of THE COLOR PURPLE

while eating lunch.  I don't know why I never watched this movie before, possibly because I dislike Oprah Winfrey and Whoopie Goldberg.  While I was watching it, Chuck cleaned off my sidewalk with his snowblower.  

MONDAY:  First thing in the morning I boiled the split peas that I soaked overnight and then I put them in the crockpot, along with chopped onions, celery and green pepper.  Later on I added ham and carrots.   I stayed home all day.  I gave Petra a LOT of food and water yesterday, so she will be fine until I get there tomorrow morning.  I will leave early for LIFE GROUP and pick up Betty's mail and take care of Petra.  Myrna had surgery on her knee, to repair a tendon and check on the hardware (steel rods from when she was hit by a car when she was in her twenties) and everything went well.  I took most of my fall decorations upstairs 

I started reading the book RADICAL NATION by Sean Spicer.  It is kind of a expose of what he thinks Biden and Harris are planning for the USA, and how they went about it.  

I cleaned the bathroom and washed the bathroom rug and the kitchen rug.  I took most of my fall decorations upstairs, but I still have to box them up, I will do that another time.  I started decorating for Christmas. 

TUESDAY:  I got up earlier than usual, in order to do a few things before arriving at FREEDOM CHURCH for the Ladies Life Group.  First, I picked up Betty's mail, then I dropped an overdue book off at the library, and then I went to Peggy's house to take care of Petra.  I arrived a few minutes early, but I needed extra time to get out of my boots an into sneakers.  Life group went well, there were twelve of us there. It was VERY chilly.  Five of us (Cindi, Dee, Glenda, Karen and me) went to Appleby's for lunch.  I had the CHICKEN AND SHRIMP SCAMPI Sizzlin' Skillet.  It was really good, and not a bad price ($10.99) and really less than that with the senior discount we were given.  

I had to reboot my whole system to get the ROKU TV to work, but I was successful.  I chose the movie THE PATRIOT on hulu.   I think it was in 2020 when my friend Judy and I agreed to meet at the theatre on Chestnut Street to see this movie, but she was a half hour late and I thought we had missed too much of the movie so I suggested we go over to the mall to see what was playing there.  We watched this movie:  To Wong Fu, Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar and loved it.  I have watched it a few more times over the years, on TV.  So, now, twenty two years later I am finally watching THE PATRIOT.


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