Thanksgiving Day 2022

 In the morning, I slowly finished getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner.  I made the macaroni and cheese, finished setting the table, vacuumed the family room, etc.  I called Peggy to confirm what time we would have dinner.  David figured out what time the turkey would be done, added in time to carve it and make the gravy and said TWO THIRTY p.m.   I called Becky to tell her of the time change.  She was disappointed since she had plans to be at someone else's house at four p.m.  

In between dinner preparations, I finished watching AN OLD FASHIONED THANKSGIVING which is a very good Hallmark movie.

She arrived at about two fifteen and immediately asked me if I was watching the BILLS game.  I said no, but that I could put it on, which I did.   Peggy and David didn't make it by two thirty, I think it was closer to three p.m.  We had turkey, stuffing, gravy, squash, rolls and butter, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese.  The BOB EVANS already prepared mashed potatoes were great!!  

For desert:  pumpkin pie (which Becky brought), fruitcake, pfeffernuise cookies and tapioca pudding.  I was surprised that everyone had a helping of the pudding.  I packaged a lot of leftovers for Becky to take home.  

The BILLS won the game, and Peggy, David and Becky were hooting and hollering as they watched the ending.

  After Becky left, Peggy loaded the dishwasher while I packed up some stuff for them to take home, put food away and generally cleaned up.  Then we watched the news together for a while.

I called Christa and left her a message.  Then I called Megan and talked to her, Chris and Tyler.  Christa called me back and we talked for about a half an hour.  She still has some cold symptoms left from having COVID.  

I watched the movie THE PLEDGE with Jack Nicholson in the evening.  I didn't like it all that much. I went to bed early. 


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