Monday 3/27/23, Tuesday 3/28, Wednesday 3/29

MONDAY: I had a nine thirty appointment at BODY MECHANICS this morning.   My therapist, Mark, had me do several different exercises while there, and told me to continue doing the ones he gave me the other day at home. I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few items.  Then I went to the Y to meet up with Jan.  I noticed that the Red Cross was there, in order to get blood, so I offered to donate blood, but all of the spots are filled up.  Jan was late, so I got on one of the recumbent bikes, right next to Sarah.  Jan arrived and we started walking.  We noticed that they were setting up tables in the gym and Jan thought maybe it was for a CPR class that she had signed up for.  She went down to check and found out that it was.  She said she met Sharon Dent when she was checking and they briefly talked about Jan's sister who died in a fire years ago, along with her husband.  Louise was there also.  Jan went back down to the class, and I walked around the track a bit and then went back to the recumbent bike.  After leaving the Y, I decided to go out to the HOPE PROJECT, where I found several items.  On the way back to Lockport, I stopped at Wendy's and got a take-out TACO SALAD, which I had for lunch at home.  I also had some of that salad for supper.  I made a potato salad in the evening and did a load of laundry.  

TUESDAY:  I slept well! and was able to get up in time to go to the Y for the nine a.m. STABILITY class, which went well, and I walked the track and used the recumbent bike before and after the class.  Then I went to Wal-Mart to return one pair of the "jeggings" (whatever that means) and get a smaller size.  I think they are exercise pants, at least that is what I am using them for.  I have two pair; they are a really dark camo. print.  I went home and did some housework and laundry and preparing for my upcoming trip.  I watched the Daily Wire responses to yesterday's school shooting in Nashville, Tennessee.  Mostly, they talked about how the media uses what happened to promote their personal narratives.

I had a nice nap, actually probably too long.  Peg called in the evening.  We discussed the idea of she and I going to Michigan for Tyler's high school graduation.  Sue from Carrie's group home also called, and we discussed Carrie's upcoming appointment with her primary.  I found the British movie CLOSE on Netflix.  

WEDNESDAY:  After showering, shampooing and shaving my legs for my appointment at the Cambria Imaging Center for my artery study, I received a call cancelling that appointment.  I rescheduled at the imaging center in Williamsville for the Monday after I get home from my trip.  I called Jan and we agreed to meet at 11:15 at the Y.  We met and walked for 45 minutes or so and then we were taking a break when we started talking to Eugene (one of the group leaders there) and he was telling us about the DRUMS ALIVE class he was leading in a few minutes, and we decided to participate.  It was a LOT of fun: pounding on a huge ball with drumsticks, some dance-like steps and for me SINGING ALONG.  It is only once a week on Wednesday.  I was hungry when we left the Y, so I went to REIDS and used a five-dollar gift certificate to pay for part of my lunch:  a white hot and fries, both with sauce and a small loganberry drink.

THURSDAY March 30th:  I met up with Carrie and Zoie at Oxbow this morning and we all went to a medical appointment with Carrie's primary, Dr. Sauret.  It went well.  We dropped her off at her day program and I returned to Lockport.  I stopped at Carsons and bought a Beef on Weck for my lunch.  I didn't do much the rest of the day until I picked Jan up so we could go to the GRANDMA'S ATTIC pre-sale at Covenant United Church of Christ in Gasport.

I bought a couple of small items, and Jan found several things.  After we left the church, we drove down Gasport's Main Street, since Jan had never seen it.  There are a couple of old storefronts, but the most interesting thing we saw was this:  

I talked to Myrna in the evening, for over an hour.  She is doing pretty good and feels a little bit stronger.  

FRIDAY the 31st:  I went to PT in the morning and then met up with Jan and we walked for a half hour or so.  I also did six minutes on the recumbent bike.  On the way home I picked up a $3.99 sub at SUBWAY using a coupon.   I spent the rest of the day at home.  I had problems with my Wi-Fi, and called Spectrum.  According to the guy I spoke with (Matt), my modem is not communicating with my router.  He suggested that I go to Spectrum and get one of their modems, for five dollars per month.  I guess I will do that after I get back from the upcoming trip.  MARLENE AND I WILL LEAVE first thing tomorrow morning.

SATURDAY April 1st:  I continued packing and getting ready for my trip until a little after eleven a.m. when I went to Rite Aid and then to Peg's house to pick up a few items.  Then I went to DOLLAR GENERAL, looking for some of the blue ice that I used to buy in a small jar, to put on my knees when they hurt.  However, I could not find any.   There was a man shoplifting at DG, and refusing to show what he had in his jacket, while clerks threatened to call the police.  I don't know how this incident ended, but as soon as they all got out of the doorway, I left the store.  I was so flustered that I forgot where I parked my car.  After that I went to the bookstore in the Bewley Building because Pam said she would be taking care of a table there.  She was and I talked to her a bit and then looked at the used books and found this:  I had been wishing that I still had the copy that I gave Megan one Christmas.  It was only two dollars.

Before I left LOCK CITY BOOKS, I bought two boxes of Girl Scout cookies and gave them to two guys who were promoting the Kenan Center inside.  On the way home, I waved to the Easter Bunny. I spent the rest of the day getting ready for the trip and cleaning and changing my bedsheets.  I watched a few episodes of SVU before going to bed.  


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