I got to the church around ten forty a.m. I asked Lou to let me in to the office area and he did. I picked up the boxes of cards, list of names and the printed Christmas carols and then I went down to the basement and looked for the "sugars" for the tea. I found a few. Then I located the case of bottles of water, but it was heavy, so I located Lou again and he carried it to the kitchen. Once I got back to the kitchen, I looked for more "sugars" but couldn't find any, so I went to the COFFEE BAR, and they filled a bowl with different types for me. I got the silverware ready. I opened up the packaging that held the tablecloths captive (I have had difficulty opening them in the past) so that they would be ready to go. David and Jan both came at the end of the service. Jan located the floral displays for the tables, and we started to put the red tablecloths on the tables. By this time, we had a lot of other helper...
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