Week Starting May 28th, 2023 SALMON Loaf Recipe
SUNDAY: Church was very good this morning, we had a guest speaker. After church, Marlene, Betty and I had lunch together at Denny's. I spent the rest of the day at home, and did a little bit of gardening. I called Peggy and we agreed to meet up at her house at eleven a.m. tomorrow. We will go to a park in East Aurora and do some geocaching. I talked with Elaine on the phone in the evening. She told me about the National Memorial Day Weekend Concert on PBS, and I watched most of it. It was very good.
MONDAY (MEMORIAL DAY) I met up with Peggy at her house. After a few minutes, we headed towards East Aurora in her new car. It was a bit of a drive, but we found it easily enough. We were glad to see a map at the entrance, which we took pictures of.
We walked quite a distance and enjoyed our walk, even though it was pretty hot.
We had to go under this fallen tree to get to the old rusty toll bridge. I had a rough time, but I did not fall. Peggy did.
What is left of the old toll bridge. I think it was a railroad bridge.
The old toll bridge.
I was surprised how well I did, especially since it got pretty hot. I kind of expected to get tired out quickly since I have done so much laying around during my recent sickness. But that did not happen. When we got back to the car, I suggested to Peg that we find a convenience store so we could get cold drinks with ice. We found a large CROSBY'S and used the restrooms and bought drinks. Then we found WALES TOWN PARK in Wales Center. It is a very nice park with two pavilions. I chose the small one and we had our picnic lunch of egg salad sandwiches and potato chips. We decided not to do any geocaching. As we were driving through Wales Center, I recognized the old hotel that Jean and I wanted to eat in several years ago. We couldn't eat there because she couldn't get up onto one of the high seats. Connie called early in the evening. We only talked a few minutes because she was watching for a delivery of an organic mattress pad. I watched new episodes of THE SECRETS OF HILLSONG in the evening. While scrolling through FB messages, I found this group picture taken at Finger Lakes Camp Farthest Out in 2001. I first noticed Muriel, and then recognized several others before seeing Christa in the top row. I sent the picture to her.TUESDAY: I went to the Ladies Life Group this morning. I think there were eleven of us there. The meeting went well. After it was over, five of us: me, Betty, Cindi, Donna, and Glenda went to THE FIELDSTONE for lunch. I had the baked fish and brought some home. I talked with Elaine on the phone in the evening.
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