Week of Sunday September 17 through September 23rd, 2023

 Sunday:  Church was very good. It was VISION SUNDAY.

The LIFE GROUP FAIR was held after church ended.  Mary was taking care of the Cindi's table.  Jan and I signed up for the TUESDAY MORNING Ladies Life Group.  We start a new topic in a couple of weeks.  Jan, Betty, Glenda and I went to LaPort's for lunch.  I had the small pork roast dinner.  I brought part of it home with me. I spent the rest of the day at home, I did some cleaning and straightening up, rested, watched TV and made a batch of CHEX MIX.  I will take some of it, along with the ORIGINAL recipe (which I used) to the celebration for Laura on Tuesday evening.  I made banana pancakes for my supper. 

MONDAY the 18th:   Betty did not come over for DAZE 

But Peggy and I watched part three.  I decided to NOT go to the Y today because I did not sleep much last night.  I took an early nap, starting around two p.m. and I think I slept about a full hour.  I felt much more human after getting up.  I didn't do a heck of a lot for the rest of the day, though.  I finished watching Season Ten of Doc Martin.  I called Jan and talked to her about going to ASP with Peggy when she joins me there. I think she will go.  

TUESDAY:  Before going to the church, I stopped at the library to return a book and pick another one up.  When I got to the church for the Ladies Life Group, I found that I could not get into the parking lot, due to it being repaved.  I went over to the school parking lot and waited a bit to see if some of the others came.  A few of us were there and more came, and we decided to go to DENNY'S.  This worked out OK, they put a few tables together for us.  Donna treated us all to a drink since she got a surprise.   check in the mail.  A little later on, we each ordered, some had lunch and some had breakfast. I went to Niagara Produce and got a couple of items before going home.  Unfortunately, I forgot about my ENT appointment, so I took a nap instead.  When I got up, I saw that the ENT office had tried to reach me.  Elaine picked me up a little after four p.m. and we met up with Sarah at SOLID ROCK, for their spaghetti dinner.  Later on in the evening, I went to the HOOD'S home where there was a celebration for Laura, who is marrying Jimmy Hood next month.  It was a very nice gathering.  Someone took this picture of Laura and Jimmy after I left and posted it on facebook.
Wednesday:  Peggy came over in the morning and we watched a video presentation on youtube.  Then I went to the Y for the ENHANCE FITNESS class.  Then I went to the library to return a book and pick up THE ORPHAN COLLECTOR, which will be the subject of a group discussion on 10/23/23 at the library.  I spent the rest of the day at home.

THURSDAY:  I had my chiropractic appointment this morning.  This truck was parked in the parking lot and the owner was in it.  I asked him if I could take a picture and he agreed. 

The license plate says OUR53GMC
 and then decided to see if I could find some charcoal for the upcoming ALLEGANY trip.  WalMart still had a LOT of it, so I purchased a small bag.  I also got several other items at WalMart and I was blessed to be able to help a woman cashing out in front of me.  She did not have enough money for all of her items and was going to put her BIOFREEZE (an ointment for sore joints) back so I offered to pay for it.  She was flabbergasted and a bit tearful and thanked me profusely.  I told her that I had been hoping for an opportunity to help someone and she gave me the opportunity.  Peggy and David came over to get something out of the garage.  I took a nap.  I talked with Peggy on the phone about ideas for something to do this coming Saturday.  I started reading Eric Metaxas autobiography.

FRIDAY the 22nd.:  I had my ENT appointment in Williamsville this morning.  By the time I was done, it was lunchtime, so I decided to go to the Deli in Clarence that Paula introduced me to.  I purchased a "stuffed bread" and picked up a drink at McDonalds.  I also stopped at Paula's Donut and had a peanut cream donut.  When I got home, I took a nap.  Lori picked me up for the event at Schulze Winery. I bought one ticket, so did Lori.  Went over to LIVE EDGE (right next door) for supper and we shared two different orders of Taco's. After that, we returned to Schulz and found out Lori won!  We were both so happy.  She will give it to her youngest son for Christmas this year.
SATURDAY:  I tried to get some money out of NorthWest banks ATM, but it kept saying I was putting the wrong password in, so I need to get that straightened out.  I met up with Peggy at her house and accompanied her to her WW meeting.  I read my book while she attended the meeting and then we headed to Buffalo to the Buffalo Terminal

for a small fall festival they were having.  They were giving away free produce at these tables.
                       A mobile book store!

After that we went to the Pendleton Methodist Church for their rummage sale and we both purchased a couple of items.  We met up with Lori there.  We decided to go back to Lockport for lunch at THE FIELDSTONE.  On the way there, Peg and I stopped at Smith's Orchards.  I was going to get a cider slushie but the line was so long. This interesting tree is on the property 

Lori, Peg and I had a nice time at the Fieldstone.  I took a nap at home in the afternoon and later on picked Lori up at Freedom South and we went to the PALACE for JERSEY NIGHTs, a tribute to the Four Seasons.  The show was great!!!!  The performers sang the most popular songs of the FOUR SEASONS as well as some other popular songs of the sixties.  The husky guy second from the right did most of the narrating and he told some funny jokes and led the audience in participating.  


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