WEEK of January 21st through January 27, 2024

 SUNDAY:   Church was good.  Glenda, Marlene and I went out for lunch at LaPorts.  I had the turkey dinner.  I spent the rest of the day at home, napping, doing homework for Life Group, and watching television.  I called Jan because she did not come to church this morning.  She said she didn't want to share her germs.  

MONDAY the 22nd:  In the morning, I did laundry and changed the sheets on my bed.  I also did my homework for tomorrow's Life Group.  I picked Elaine up a little after two p.m. and took her to EXCELSIOR on Transit Road for her three p.m. physical therapy appointment.  We arrived few minutes early, but her therapist called her back early, so that worked out well.  Her PT took a full hour and I read my book:  DOUBLE JEOPARDY,

which is a true crime story, by Bob Hill.  It is pretty good!

After Elaine was finished with her PT, we headed back to Lockport.  We went to THE FIELDSTONE for an early supper.  We both had fish, from the specials list.  I remembered to use my card from the Dale Association that gives fifteen percent off of meals at the Fieldstone!! After that, I dropped her off at her house.  

January 23, 2024:  I was getting ready for Life Group when Connie called.  We talked for about twenty minutes and then I told her I needed to go.  Life Group was good this morning, I think there were nine of us there.  Four of us (Cindi, me, Karen and Glenda) went to Wendy's for lunch then I went to Walmart to pick up the items Elaine said she needed and more yarn for the "shrug" she is making for me. I dropped her items off to her before going home.  When I got home, I contacted Lori about meeting up tonight for the event we are going to.  

We agreed to meet up at Freedom South at 6:50 p.m.  However, when I got to Freedom, the weather was awful, with a heavy wet snow falling.  When Lori arrived, I asked her if she felt OK about driving to Hopkins Road  and she said "no".  I said "let's just skip it and go out for pizza".  She agreed and suggested Molinaro's.  We went there and split a stromboli and a salad.  It was pretty reasonable, the bill came to twenty two dollars, eleven dollars for each of us.  

WEDNESDAY the 24th:  Peg came over and we tried to finish the talk by Amir Tsarfati that we started last week.  I said TRY because Stacey Roessler's sister Kerri called to tell us that they are going to remove Stacey's breathing tube, giving her one more chance to see if she can breathe on her own.  If it turns out that she can't, they will move her into hospice care.  Peg tried to reach Pastor Craig since Kerri would like him to go to the hospital one more time to see Stacey.  Gail arrived at noon, when we still had a few minutes left, so we stopped and got ready to go.  We went to Pierogi Petes, which is a new restaurant near the Aldi in Amherst. 

You walk through a line and choose what you want.  We all really enjoyed our meals.  Then we went to  Chrusciki Bakery just down the road on the other side.  I purchased an item and so did Gail.  I spent the rest of the day at home and did not accomplish much, except folding laundry.  Peg called to say that Pastor Craig was able to visit Stacey and she was able to respond to what he said by writing her answers down.  

Thursday the 25th:  I stayed in bed too long and was slow in getting ready for the day.  I made a list of the things I needed to do outside of the house and was getting ready to leave when Dom from church called.  We talked for about fifteen minutes or so.  First place I went after I finally got out of the house was to Elaine's house to drop off her handicapped card, then I went to the eyeglasses plan across from BK and had the frames on my glasses adjusted, then to Citizens Bank to cash a check and then to the Y to meet up with Jan.   She was a little bit late.  We started walking.  When we took our first break, I saw Marlene and waved to her, and she came over and we talked a bit and then the three of us walked together.  She left when Jan and I took another break, and then Jan and I walked for another ten minutes or so.  After leaving the Y, I went to LKPT ENERGY HOUSE and purchased a shake and then to the post office to buy some stamps, and then to Niagara Produce where I purchased a few items and then to drop off a book at the library. The last thing I did was get gas.   When I got home, I called the Dale and made an appointment to have my income tax done (in mid-February).  I was reminded to stop by the Dale and pick up the "packet" they put together which provides a list of what to bring to the appointment.  When I got home, I did a few things and then laid down, but I could not get to sleep.  So, I read for a bit before getting up and then I started preparing supper.  London Broil, bake potato and broccoli.  I had a headache, probably from having the frames on my glasses adjusted.  

Stacey Roesseler's sister Kerri posted on face book that Stacey passed away today. Stacey had been battling cancer for about six years, I think.  She recently developed fluid in her lungs and around her heart, which may have been a complication of her cancer or the treatments.   I am hoping that there will be a funeral at Freedom South.  I didn't know Stacey very well, but I liked her.  She lived a couple of houses down from Mike on Hyde Park and he helped her by taking her trash cans out to the street one day a week.
This is a picture of Peggy with Stacey last year after Stacey was baptized.  I am so glad that I went with Peggy last week to visit her in a Buffalo Hospital (I don't know which hospital it was).

FRIDAY the 26th:  I got very little sleep last night.  I am pretty sure that I have a head cold.  I will have to cancel my plans with Peggy for later on today.  Our plans were for a late lunch at WIND, the restaurant that has robots who deliver your food and then go to Julie Schultz's house for LADIES GAME NIGHT.  I was SO looking forward to it.  I called Peg and told her.  I decided to do some things around the house, things that need doing, things I do not like to do and need to be done.  I returned a call to Scott Ode (NW Bank), called Lockport Memorial Hospital and asked them to send PAPER bills instead of email bills, sorted through all of the recent bank statements and got them in order so I can file them.  Also, I plan to go through my medical reports etc. and get them in order and in ONLY one folder.  Also, I was going to upload pictures from my camera to my computer and then to flickr, but I accidentally deleted them from the SD card.  I added EXCELSIOR ORTHOPAEDICS to the places I pay bills to on my Citizens bank account and made a payment.  I got SO MUCH done, even making an appointment to meet with Scott Ode on Wednesday morning to open a Money Market account.  I will transfer some money from CITIZENS bank into this account.  I still have to organize my statements from Citizens Bank BUT all other financial papers are organized.  And I didn't get to the medical bills, but I can do that tomorrow.  I had a nice nap in my recliner and did not even hear the kitchen phone when it rang twice and went to voice mail.  I felt better for a few hours in the afternoon, but worse in the evening.

January 27, 2024  I got more sleep last night.  I started out in my recliner, but I don't think I fell asleep, and then I moved to my bed, and I may have gotten six hours of sleep.  Kathy                   called me, returning my call.  We met at the Y just before Covid and planned a day trip to a casino to see a tribute to the Four Seasons, but it was cancelled due to Covid and we got our money back, and then we lost contact.  We talked for 20 minutes or so.  l scanned a bunch of Peggy's pictures and put them in her flickr account.  Late morning Peggy called, and I remembered that I told Christa I would test for Covid in the morning, so I went ahead and did that.  First test POSITIVE, so I did a second test and it, too, was POSITIVE.  I immediately started calling the people I had been out with in the past several days:  Jan, Marlene, Glenda, Cindi, Karen, Lori and Gail.  Peggy stopped at my RiteAid and picked up some generic Claritin, some generic Tylenol PM, and my prescription for Viberzi (now they can stop calling me to remind me that I have not picked it up yet.  She also picked up a pizza at Lil Caeser's.  
It is pretty good, I only ate one slice and two of the "stix".After Peggy left, I parked myself in my recliner and put on ION, which was having a marathon Law and Order: SVU.  I do not have much energy but I am not experiencing the extreme exhaustion that I had the first time I had Covid.


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