Week of Sunday January 8th through Saturday the 13th, 2024

 Sunday the 8th: Church was great.  After church, I spent the rest of the day at home.  I did my homework for this coming Tuesday's Life Group.  I talked to both Elaine and Marlene on the phone.  Elaine's sister Marsha left yesterday.  Marlene and I discussed the possibility of taking a trip during her week off from work.  I changed a few light bulbs.

MONDAY the 8th:   I had my chiropractor appointment this morning and then I went to WalMart and picked up a few items.  I met up with Jan at the Y at 11:30 a.m. and we walked for close to close to an hour, but we took breaks.  After leaving the Y, I went first to THE DOLLAR TREE and then to the LKPT ENERGY HOUSE and got a shake, and then I got gas before going home.  I took an afternoon nap.  In the evening, Pam came over and we played a game of SCRABBLE.   I won!!!  We each had an ice cream cup (Ben and Jerry's) that I purchased at the Dollar Tree.  

TUESDAY the 9th. It started snowing heavily a little while before it was time for me to leave for Life Group.  I debated whether or not I should go, but Cindi did not call, so I figured she was planning on being there.  I warmed the car up a bit and headed over to church, arriving a few minutes before ten a.m. Cindi was the only one there, but three others arrived shortly, Marlene, Donna and Karen.  Karen drives in all the way from Barker, so I was surprised to see her. The meeting went well, ending around twelve thirty.  After some debate, Cindi, I, Marlene and Karen decided to go to Wendy's.  I had the five dollar "bag" including a burger, fries, chicken nuggets and a drink.  We had a nice lunch together.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I called Social Security in reference to the notice I received yesterday telling me that the final SS payment to Mary Ann went out in 2023, either via check or direct deposit but this was the first I heard about that.  I did not get a check and all of Mary Ann's accounts have been closed for a couple of years.  The woman I reached  (Misty) was not really able to help me, she gave me the phone number for the SS office in Niagara Falls.  I tried that number but was told that all workers were busy and I should try again later on.  

WEDNESDAY the 10th:  I slept great last night!!!   I left the house about 10:45 to go to CAYUGA DAY HAB for Carrie's six month meeting.   The meeting went well, except I was a bit upset because Carrie's hair was done up in a ponytail too close to close to the front of her head and every time she moved, it flopped in her face. After the meeting, I went to a nearby DOLLAR GENERAL and purchased some barrettes and returned to Day Hab and barretted the pony tail down in the back.  Then I decided to find the L.L. Bean store near Trader Joe's.  It was a longer drive down the boulevard than I thought it was, but I found it easily enough and went in and looked around for a while.  I found a wonderful winter coat, but the price is three hundred dollars, so I passed it up.  Then I went into Trader Joes and purchased one item,  TRADER JOE'S 21 SEASONING SALUTE.   It was lunch time, so I went to the Carrabba's Italian Grill nearby.  I was disappointed with the steak sandwich I ordered because more than half of the ingredients were missing.  The minestrone was good, though.  I got home  a few minutes before three p.m.   I wrote a review of Carrabba's and explained the missing ingredients on my sandwich.

THURSDAY the 11th:  Jan and I had planned on going to Elma to the new location of THE HOPE PROJECT after walking at the Y.  However, she woke up not feeling well.  I decided to stay home since the projected weather was for it to snow all day.  It was snowing kinda hard so I put the car in the garage.  HOWEVER, then it stopped snowing.  I worked on finding a map of Pennsylvania and some information about the places in PA that Marlene and I planned on going last year, but we ran out of time. I found a map and used a highlighter to mark those spots as well as the area of the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania.  Almost all of the time when I was doing that, I was on hold with Social Security in Niagara Falls, since I need to talk to someone about Mary Anne's missing check.  NO LUCKWHATSOEVER.  I was either on hold with silence, or music or intermittent recordings of someone telling me all the workers were still busy.  Also, several times, I waited and then got a recording telling me I would have to call back later. SOOOOOOOOOO, I did call back later (several times), but still no luck. I spent some time filing recent credit card and other bills and getting all of that stuff organized.  I watched Trumps short press conference in NYC right after he was given a guilty verdict for something or other. He is convinced that Biden and the Democrats set it all up and there was lots of cheating.  Peggy called and asked if I want to go to Mercy Hospital with her tomorrow to see Stacey Roessler.  I said yes.  Peg has to call the hospital to make sure Stacey is allowed to have visitors.  I am not sure how we will work that around our Revelation study which is supposed to happen at ten a.m. tomorrow.  Also, Marlene is coming over tomorrow evening.  In the evening, I called Leslie and we talked for about 40 minutes. She told about the snow storm and wind storm and the power going out in her building. After that, I called Elaine and we talked for about 20 minutes. She had kind of a "down" day, which is understandable, being stuck home, and still having discomfort from her surgery.  I asked her if she feels up to me coming over some evening next week to play a game or two.  She liked that idea.  She spoke about being hungry for spaghetti.   I suggested that next Tuesday, I will go to SOLID ROCK and pick up meals for the two of us and take them to her house and we will have supper together and play SCRABBLE.

FRIDAY the 12th:  In the morning, Peggy came over and we watched Amir Tsarfati's very recent broadcast, along with Barry Stagner, an update on what is going on in Israel. It was excellent.  Then we went to MERCY HOSPITAL in Buffalo to see Stacey Roesseler.   Her sister, Kerrie, was there with her.  We had a good, but short visit and we had prayer with Stacey and Peg added her and her situation to the prayer chain.  We found a Rachel's restaurant on South Elmwood Street and had lunch there. When I got home, I took a short nap and then got ready to have supper with Marlene, who arrived a couple of minutes after six p.m.  We had a nice supper together and then started planning a trip to various spots in Pennsylvania in early April when she has more than a week off from school.

SATURDAY the 13th:   I stayed home all day.  It was miserable outside. Peggy came over and worked upstairs for a while.  I completed various tasks around the house and chatted with Christa on FB off and on.  I am trying to answer her questions (they are gotcha questions) about the Israel/Hamas war, but now that she has told me that Israel knew the 10/7 attack was going to happen ahead of time, she has lost all credibility with me.  In the evening, I found THE BROKENWOOD MYSTERIES, Season One, Episode One, on PBS.  I liked it, and hope that PBS offers further episodes on Saturday nights.  

We had a little bit of snow today and it was windy most of the day.  More snow is expected overnight.  


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