Week of Sunday February 4th through February 10th, 2024

 SUNDAY:   I did not go to church today, so I watched it online.  Unfortunately, I missed the Life Group Fair and free food (I think chicken wings).  I watched a few short things on youtube.  I decided today was a good day to finish up using the cabbage in the refrigerator.  I looked up recipes for fried cabbage.  I didn't exactly follow ONE recipe, just got ideas.  I kind of liked the idea of cooking the cabbage in water (not a lot) so I tried it.  I think next time I will skip the water.  Anyways, it turned out well and is very tasty. I painted a couple of rocks and scanned some of Peggy's pictures into both her and my flickr accounts. 

 MONDAY:  I had my appointment with Dr. Kurb and after that I went to Aldi and got some groceries.  Yesterday, I really wanted Chiavetta's chicken but I didn't want to go out, so I went to Chiavetta's today and got a half a chicken, some bbq sauce and some coleslaw.  I had some of that for lunch.  I took a nap in the afternoon, and I think I slept for close to an hour. In the evening, I did my homework for tomorrow mornings Life Group.  I chatted with Mary O'Connor in the evening and she said I can stay with her when I come to Oneonta the end of April.  I will want at least two weeks to rest up from the trip with Marlene, and will set dates soon.  I am thinking four nights, three full days.  One full day for Connie, another day to see a few other people and a day for Mary and I do to something together.  

TUESDAY the 6th:  I went to Life Group today.  It was very good!   The Life Group Fair was two days ago at Freedom South, and we now have three more participants, Julie Schultz, Joy and Stephanie!  They are welcome additions to our group.  They were discussing where to go to lunch when I left.  I went to the LKPT Energy House and ordered a Mint Chocolate Chip Dairy Free Medium Shake.  The owner/operator asked me what was the good word for today.  I suggested a phrase and said "God is Good" and he said AMEN.    My mint chocolate chip shake was delicious but did not really fill me up.  I prepared a hot dog when I got home.  I tried to nap, but I am not sure I fell asleep.  My energy level is quickly coming back.  

WEDNESDAY the 7th. I slept late, which felt good, but kind of a waste of time.  I showered and then picked Elaine up and took her to physical therapy.  While she was in there (a full hour) I finished reading DOUBLE JEOPARDY and read a bit in a Readers Digest.  Elaine suggested that we go to GROVER'S for a late lunch, so we did.  We both ordered a cup of cheeseburger soup and a lunch plate that included four chicken wings and two cheeseburger sliders.  The soup was not as good as I remembered it from the time Marlene and I ate there a few years ago (probably before Covid), but the chicken wings and sliders were VERY good.   Then we headed back to Lockport.  I suggested that we stop at JoJo's for ice cream and she agreed and I insisted on treating her since she has treated me to two expensive lunches.   I had a hot fudge sundae (with lactose free ice cream).  Elaine's dish of  twist custard looked better than my sundae.  When we got back to her house, I went in so she could measure me for the SHRUG she is making me.  It is going to be beautiful!  When I got home, I was totally exhausted and immediately got into my pajamas and crashed on the couch.  I may have dozed off a bit.  I didn't do anything for the rest of the day, besides watching an old episode of Law and Order: SVU.  I was just wiped out.

THURSDAY the 8th:  I had my second appointment with Dent today.   I saw a PA:                 I think she is quite knowledgeable.  She told me to stop taking Gabapentin, but slowly.  To take one capsule (down from two) for two weeks and then go to one capsule every other day.  When I got to Lockport, I met up with Jan at the Y and we walked for a bit.  I asked her if she wanted to go to the art exhibit at the Kenan with me, Pam and Cindi, but she did not want to go.  I met up with Pam, Cindi and Cindi's friend Mary at the Kenan and we saw this exhibit, and it is excellent.

I went to the Mayflower and ordered lunch, and while they were preparing it, I checked out the Ecuadorian Convenience Store right next to the pizzeria.  I had lunch at home and took a nap.  Peggy called and we discussed Saturday's plans.  She will pick me up and we will go to ALL SAINTS for their soup sale, and then to THE CHECKERED POPPY for their open house and basket raffle.  Pam called, too, and we talked for a while.  Also, Becky called and told me about a day trip opportunity in April.  I think I will go on it.  It is to the FDR Inaugural Site in Buffalo, Vidler's and a couple of other spots.  

FRIDAY:  February 9th:  I decided to stay home all day today and get caught up on a few things, especially vacuuming since I have not vacuumed in several weeks.  I vacuumed the kitchen, dining area, living room, family room and an area under two storage units in my bedroom.  I put a fresh tablecloth on the dining room table.  I did some organizing and made corn muffins for tomorrow night's supper, when I will join Peggy and David for a ham dinner.  Peggy came over in the morning.  After she worked for 45 minutes upstairs, she and I finished up the video we were watching before I got Covid.  It was Amir Tsarfati, DAZE OF DECEPTION.  I called the woman who has Happy Daze Tours and signed up for the day trip and wrote out a check to mail her tomorrow.  I found a movie on HOOPLA to watch after supper.  ROAD TO PERDITION.  I made brownies for Sunday's senior social.

SATURDAY the 10th:  I got up a bit early in order to make the pie for tonight.  I added an extra egg, hoping to make it more custardy.  So, I have baked corn muffins (huge and looking so good), brownies and Impossible Coconut Pie in the last 24 hours.  Peg picked me up about 11:20 and we went first to ALL SAINTS for their SOUP SALE.

It must have been a "Men's event" because men were doing all of the work, taking payment, handing out containers and dishing out the soup.

  I purchased two pints, one of squash soup and one of beef vegetable.  Peggy purchased three or four quarts.  After that we headed out 78 to the vendor sale and basket raffle at the CHECKERED POPPY in Wrights Corners. We were disappointed in both the vendor sale (it was all crafts) and the basket raffle (which was all crafts from the vendors). 

Peggy purchased some pulled pork from PARKERS PIT and shared it with me, and then we drove out to Maxwell Station in Olcott

for their bazaar, which was a pretty good sized basket raffle.  I didn't see anything I really wanted, but Peg bought a lot of tickets and gave some to me.  Then we headed back to Lockport.  I asked Peg if she knew where Ewings Road was and she said no.  I was wondering where I will have to go for the day trip to Buffalo and East Aurora that I will be taking with Becky in April.  She put the address into here phone and we located St. Brendon's on the Lake Catholic Church, which is not really on the lake.  That ended our day out.  I had a short time to rest at home before going to Peggy and David's house for supper.  Ham, squash, fruit salad, corn muffins and coconut custard pie for desert. They gave me some ham and some squash to take home.  We watched the very first episode of DOWNTON ABBEY before I left. She had not received a call from Maxwell Station so I guess she did not win anything.


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