WEEK of May 19th through May 25th, 2024

 May 19th SUNDAY:   Before going to church, I stopped at the convenience store on the corner of High and Transit and bought three bags of mulch.  Church was great!  After church, Louise, Glenda, Marlene, and Dee went to lunch at THE OLIVE LEAF.  I ordered the rack of ribs special which came with a salad, fries and vegetable.  The others looked at mine and said they wished they had ordered it.  It was a LOT of food and I brought some ribs and vegetables home with me.  When I got home, I laid down on the couch listening to something on youtube and I must have fallen asleep for a bit.  Joan arrived a few minutes before three thirty p.m. and we got the mulch out of the car and she started working on the front flower beds.  She did a great job and I paid her $35.  In the evening, I was on facebook and the FORSYTH TAVERN posted a list of basket raffle winners and I won something and so did Lori.

May 20th Monday:  First thing today I cleaned and pared some carrots and sliced them and put them in the crockpot, and then I cut up the rest of the chicken I took out of the freezer a couple of days ago and added them.  Then I took a shower and shaved my leg and I was sitting on the lift and when I got up, I had a strange pain in my lower back, it felt like a spasm.  I took two Tylenol eight hour pills before leaving for the Y to meet up with Jan.  She was a bit late, I walked until she arrived and then we walked in three shifts.  After leaving the Y, I went to the DOLLAR TREE to get some greeting cards and then I met up with Lois, a woman I met on the DULL WOMENS group in Facebook.  We connected because she just moved back to Lockport after a LONG, LONG time being away, first because she married a military man who moved all over the USA, and then she had a long career as a teacher with the DOD.  She was an art teacher.  Her children (either 3 or 4) and grandkids are spread all over the country.  Two daughters are in Texas, where Lois lived before moving back to Lockport.  She seems to be interested in finding activities and events, things to do here in Lockport.  I had a burger with onion rings, and she had a salad and we talked and talked.  I stopped at Niagara Produce to get some bananas before coming home.  I watched MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING on the ROKU channel and nursed my sore lower back.  The chicken and dumplings turned out pretty good.

May 22, 2024 Tuesday:  in the morning I drove out to THE FORSYTH TAVERN and picked up the item I won at the basket raffle last Saturday.

  It turned out to be the hand-dyed scarf.  It really is beautiful.  I also picked up Lori's item, a basket of small baby items, etc. I noticed that the sheep were out (behind a fence) so I decided to take a few pictures since I did not get any on Saturday. 

     The sheep have been shorn!!!!! (I think they did this during the festival)

After that, I went to Rite Aid in Wrights Corners and bought some Tylenol PM and some Witch Hazel wipes and a couple of other items.  Then I went to Millers to get a sandwich for lunch and I got a few other items that I needed.  When I got home, I vacuumed the living room, kitchen and bathroom floors.  I left the dining area floor for tomorrow.  I took a short nap and then got ready to meet up with Peggy and David at the Rochester Road TOPS.   From there the three of us went to SOLID ROCK CHURCH for their spaghetti dinner.  Becky was there, so we sat with her.  Chuck and George joined us. 

WEDNESDAY the 22nd:  I did some vacuuming this morning and then met up with Jan at the Y.  We walked over a half an hour altogether.  I went home and took a nap.  I invited Lori to come over at six p.m. to play a game or watch a movie.  She agreed but then messaged me that she would be late.  I suggested that she could have supper here since I had leftover chicken and dumplings and four bean salad.  We looked for a movie to watch but could not find one, so we played a game of SCRABBLE.  We had a good time.  My boxes from Israel arrived and I went through them.  They are not as good as the boxes Peggy gets from a different company.  

THURSDAY the 23rd:  I spent the day at home.  The most important thing I did was gather documentation and fill out the form (again) to send to Social Security in Niagara Falls, NY , in order teo get her final SS payment of over one thousand dollars, which I will have to divide up among the heirs.  Hopefully, this will be the final step in settling her estate.  Since I slept so poorly last night, I tried for a nap, but that did not work.  Peggy and David picked me up at three p.m. to go to the casino in Niagara Falls, NY for their buffet.  The name of the buffet restaurant is FULL PLATE.  I treated them for their ten year anniversary. It was great.  Especially good were the deserts especially  the sorbet and mousse.  

FRIDAY the 24th:   Jan picked me up at nine thirty this morning and drove us to Niawanda Park which runs along the river, and is right across the road from MISSISSIPPI MUDDS.  We had a really nice walk on the trail/path which is well maintained.  The park is very clean and offers nice views of the river. 

The sun was shining and the temperature was perfect.  Unfortunately, the little black flies were having a high old time torturing us. We saw this boat or whatever it is: 

We walked all the way down to Isleview Park and went up to the lookout/gazebo for a few minutes.  Then we walked back, by that time it was getting kind of hot.  We drove over to MISSISSIPPI MUDDS.  I had remembered to bring two coupons for five dollars each that Elaine gave me a few years ago.  I had the Italian Sausage Link on a bun and Jan got an order of fries and a float.  We shared the fries, but hardly made a dent in them.  Before going back to Lockport, we went into the DOLLAR TREE in Tonawanda, which is larger than the one in Lockport.  After I paid for my items, a woman named Lynn started talking to me about how she hopes she has good luck when she gets the results of a medical test she just had.  

SATURDAY:   Peggy and I visited Carrie at the Hoover Road House.  I took some of her summer clothing and put it in one of her dresser drawers, and straightened out her underwear drawers.  I went to Niagara Produce before going home and got a few items.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I got together documentation for my Medicaid recertification.  

I found a youtube show SPECTATOR interview of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lroULZS9w8 

Here is a URL for the future,  


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