WEEK OF MAY 26th 2024 through June 1st, 2024

 SUNDAY May 26th:  Church was somewhat different today.  Pastor Craig is out of town so the service was led by Michael Peacock and                             .   Three people gave their testimonies of what God has done for them and they were great.  After church, I met up with Marlene and Pam at LaPorts for lunch.  Jan came a bit later, but she did not eat.  I had blueberry pancakes and a half order of home fries.  After that we went down to the corner of Main and Pine Streets and set up our chairs, so we could watch the Memorial Day Parade, which was a day earlier this year. 

 MONDAY the 27th (Memorial Day)Jan and I met at the Y and walked for a while, before it closed at noon.  I picked up a pizza at MARK's and had some of that for lunch.  While it was being prepared, I went into the thrift shop next door.  I made a macaroni salad before taking a nap.  I called Betty in Florida, but she did not have time to talk, she was having a POOL PARTY! When I got up, I decided to empty out the cupboard under the sink and go through the items and put them back in.  It looks a lot better now.  Elaine called in the early evening and we talked for a while.  

TUESDAY  the 28th:  Lois and I had plans to go out together today after she was finished with taking her cousin to a medical appointment.  However, the appointment took most of the morning and she did not get back to Lockport until almost one p.m.  By that time, I had been outside (to pull in my garbage can from the street) and realized that it was chilly and windy outside.  So, I suggested that we wait and get together on Thursday. I spent a few hours scanning some of Peggy's pictures and adding them to her flickr account.  

WEDNESDAY the 29th:   I left early for the Y in order to go to VALUE to see if they TERRO Ant Caps.  The ones I purchased last week are not working well.  I found them and then went to the Y and met up with Jan.  We walked off and on between eleven a.m. and noon.  I went to SUBWAY (the one on Robinson Road) and used a coupon to get a six inch sub, which I had for lunch at home.  Before laying down for a nap, I set up the new ant traps.  When I got up I could see that they are drawing lots of ants in, which is how they are supposed to work.  After I had supper, I went over to pick up Betty's mail and to get gas.  Unfortunately, when I got home, I dropped my car keys down between the passenger seat and the console.  It took about twenty minutes of maneuvering to get them out.  I had planted some FORGET ME NOT seeds earlier in the day, so I watered them before going to bed.  One batch of seeds is in a pot, and the other is directly in the soil.

THURSDAY the 30th:  I was planning on driving but when Lois arrived this morning, she said she wanted to drive.  We went to MILLER'S  BULK FOOD STORE and shopped a bit and got sandwiches.  Lois was particularly happy to find Limburger Cheese Spread since she really likes that in a sandwich with raw onions!   Then we went to the other MILLER'S store which is household goods, toys and fabric, etc.  Neither one of us found anything there to purchase.  Then we went to Golden Hill State Park.  We found a picnic table and had our lunch, and then walked the trail to the beach.  The beach has changed somewhat since last year.  The falling apart picnic table is gone, a huge tree has been downed and cut into segments.  The interesting structure that someone built is gone.  Lois and I both fund some flat rocks to take home and paint.  

We had tentatively planned to go into the lighthouse for a tour but Lois was worn out and her back hurt after the hike.  I have done it before, so I did not want to do it alone.   Then we headed back to Lockport.  I took a nap and then finished my sandwich for my supper and decided to work on putting jewelry into my jewelry cabinet.  When I took a break, I turned TV on and found out that Trump was found guilty of all counts.  YIKES.
I gathered some geocaching info. for my June trip with Leslie.  I talked with Michaelene on the phone and she was not able to get her blood work done today but may have it done tomorrow along with a stress test.

May 31st (Friday):  I met up with Jan and the Y and we walked off and on for close to an hour.  I also dropped some books off at the library and stopped to get KFC for my lunch.  I had a nice nap on my living room couch. I updated my address book with phone numbers of new friends.  I met up with Lori at Freedom Church for this event:  
We arrived about ten minutes early and chose our seats.  The small sanctuary

was not completely filled. Dana Eric Misenheimer performed first. The Potters Field (a couple who has a childrens ministry) spoke next and then the GOOD NEWS BAND came out and they were great.
Apparently, this was Stop 1 on the Don't stop praying Good News summer tour..

Saturday June 1st: I stayed home all day. I worked on paperwork for my health benefit and for NorthWest Bank. I puttered around and got rid of some clutter. I felt like I wanted to go to HOOVERS for either lunch or supper, so I called a couple of people but they were not interested. Then I remembered that I had a smoked pork chop from Millers in the frig and decided to have that for my main meal today. I started getting stuff ready for the Ladies Retreat which is in five days. I tried to reach Connie by phone, but she did not answer. I called Pam to ask her if she felt like taking a walk, but she did not answer. I made egg salad and a four bean salad for my supper.

I found this movie with Hilary Swank and watched it in the evening.

It is not as good as other movies starring Hilary Swank.


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