Saturday August 31st through Saturday September 7th 2024

 Saturday the 31st:   First thing today, I made a list of things TO DO.  I completed all of them and also went down to the TURK's house to pick up my mail.  I also worked on labelling my pictures in flickr.  For lunch, I called Little Caesers and ordered a lunch special and picked it up.  I worked in Carrie's room for a while.  I had made a list of other things to do today and I completed all of them and a couple more.

SUNDAY September 1, 2024:  After church, Lori, Marlene, Glenda, Shirley and I had planned to go to Molinaro's for lunch.  However, when Glenda and I arrived at Molinaro's, we found that it would not open until three p.m.  I texted Marlene and called Lori to tell them of the change.  Lori had Shirley in her car with her.  Eventually, the three of them arrived at LaPorts, which was kind of quiet today.  I had the turkey dinner and brought two large thick slices of turkey home with me.  I took a nap on the couch and worked more in Carrie's room and sorted through a large bag of my clothing that had been stored upstairs.  I have a huge bag of stuff to drop off at either the church or the Good Will.  In the evening, I called Pam to see how she is doing.  Her arm is in a cast due to a broken wrist.  I invited her to come over tomorrow night at six p.m. for supper and a game of scrabble.  I continued working on my blog and the pictures of last week with Leslie in Auburn.  

MONDAY:  I went to both Aldi's and Walmart to shop for this week and the COUSINS Get-Together this coming Saturday.  Then I met up with Jan at the Y and we walked for about 35 minutes.  I stopped at Niagara Produce before coming home.  When I got home, I had a phone call from Pam, cancelling our plans to have supper together this evening here at my house.  I called Elaine, hoping that she would be free to come over for supper.  Unfortunately, she is depressed due to her health issues, so she does not feel up to coming over.  

Regarding the COUSINS GET-TOGETHER :   I can't get hold of Gail.  I reached Janie via private message in FB, and she is not sure she can make it, but Mike might be able to.  Judy is waiting for me to find out what the others are bringing and then I can decide what I would like for her to bring.  

I worked a bit more in Carrie's room, and found spots to keep my many pairs of jeans so that they are not all in a pile just inside the door.  

I swept off the porch of the storage building and cleaned up a couple of lawn chairs that spent the winter outside.  I also picked up branches from the yard and put them into a trash container for tomorrows pick up.  

TUESDAY:  After the Ladies Life Group, Glenda, Louise, Karen and I went to WENDY'S for a quick lunch.  We ran into Dee and Peggy there and we all kind of sat together.  I went to the DOLLAR TREE in order to get some toothpaste but I got several other items.  When I got home, I swept the landing and steps that lead to the "deck" outside of my bedroom, since last time I had a picnic here (probably Tyler's birthday party a few years ago) David put his grill on the landing and cooked the not dogs there.  I looked around until I found the two striped cushions that I bought for Tyler's party so that I can put them on the two really old metal chairs.  Then I took a nap.  After supper, I made jello for tomorrow nights desert when Lori comes over and I watched the movie RUMOR HAS IT with Jennifer Aniston.

WEDNESDAY:   I had my monthly appointment with Dr. Kurbs and then went to the Y to meet up with Jan.  We walked about 35 minutes.  I went to the DOLLAR TREE to see if they have ice and they do.  then I went to Little Caesers and got a lunch special.  I stopped and got Betty's mail before going home.  I tried to take a nap in the afternoon, but I am not sure I fell asleep.  I finished preparing supper for Lori and I.  She arrived a few minutes after six p.m. and we had supper.  I asked her if she wanted to play a game or watch a movie and she chose the movie.  I could not find HAVEN, a movie I had found earlier, but I did find an old version of THE HIDING PLACE, so we watched that.  I think it was the 1975 version.

THURSDAY:    I am so happy!   I was getting ready to call RESERVE AMERICA and cancel the first three nights of my Allegany trip, but then I thought of Maggie Weeks.  She is so excited about the trip.  But Jan backed out.  I never felt sure that she really wanted to go, but I really would like for her to come and I am sure she would have a good time.  Maybe I will think of someone else.  

I threw together the FOUR BEAN SALAD, and mashed up the squash I cooked yesterday, and I organized the refrigerator.  I had a short nap in the afternoon.  I relaxed for the rest of the day. In the evening, I found the movie NUTS
with Barbra Streisand and Richard Dreyfus and Maureen Stapleton.  It was excellent.

This film is based on a real case in the 1970s where a prostitute named Claudia Draper killed a client in self-defense. The film stars Barbra Streisand as Draper and Richard Dreyfuss as Aaron Levinsky, the public defendant who takes on her case. The play Nuts was adapted into the film, and Tom Torpor, the play's author, drew inspiration from a real-life incident he reported in the 1970s

FRIDAY:  I did not sleep well at all last night.  I cancelled going to the Y at eleven thirty with Jan because I will need an early nap in order to make it through the day.  I called Peggy and we discussed the fact that tomorrow's weather is not supposed to be good (lots of rain) and we were able to change it to Sunday at one thirty.  Gail, Mike, Peg, me and Judy are all OK with the change, but I haven't heard if Chip can make the change.  It will be cooler outside, but very small chance of rain.  

I decided that today would be a good day to call Spectrum and try to get some help getting my Xumo system running again.  The tech I first spoke to did not seem to know enough about Zumo to be any help, but he set up an appointment for a tech to come in today between two and three p.m.  I agreed to that and took a nap before that time.  Hugo was very friendly and helpful and helped me set up an online account and did a few things that got Xumo working, and he taught me a few things about using the remote.   

I prepared myself an early supper, a hot dog and soup and a little bit of butternut squash.  Shortly after eating it, I started feeling really exhausted, so I settled myself in my recliner and found some slow jazz music on Xumo.  I am not sure how long I slept, but I felt better when I woke up.  I finished watching THE STREET DANCE on Hoopla.  

SATURDAY:  I got plenty  of sleep last night and consequently, I felt great.  I messaged Jan and asked her if she wanted to meet up at the Y to walk at eleven thirty a.m. and she agreed.  Before going to the Y I stopped at RiteAid and picked up two prescriptions.  HURRAH, no charge!!!!  I have finally reached the financial limit and will not pay for any prescriptions for the rest of 2024.  It is about time, the last two or three years, I reached that limit much earlier in the year.  Jan an I walked in two shifts, I think 25 minutes the first time and 14 minutes the second time.  We ran into Sarah, and she motioned us over to talk while we were walking.  She seems to be doing fine.  Mostly, she wanted to know how Elaine is doing.  After the Y, I went to Chiavetta's after getting gas.  I purchased a dinner with a quarter chicken and a small rack of ribs, which I ate at home.  After that, I went out to the garage and swept up most of the leaves and other debris and pulled out the folding table and wiped down the tabletop: in preparation for tomorrow.  


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