Week of Sunday September 8th through Saturday September 14, 2024 (new password info)

 SUNDAY:  I got up a bit earlier than usual today because I had things to do to get ready for the COUSINS GATHERING later on here at my house.  Church was very good.  I went to DOLLAR TREE and purchased three bags of ice before going home.  When I got home, I started setting the backyard up with chairs and tables and filled my good cooler with ice and drinks.  Gail arrived first and Peggy and David arrived a few minutes later. Then Mike arrived.  He gave us the sad news that his wife Janie was just diagnosed with breast cancer, after a routine mammogram, a second mammogram and then a biopsy.  He said it was caught very early and Janie seems to be accepting the news pretty well.  

David set up his grill in the garage and I brought the meat out.  He seemed disappointed that I only provided FOUR (very large) hot Italian sausage.  I suggested we cut them in half, but he did not seem to want to do that.  He cooked both the hot and mild Italian sausage and one package of ZWEIGLES hot dogs.  We went ahead and started to eat before Judy and her husband Doug arrived, since they were about twenty minutes late.  Chip did not make it, due to dealing with some serious plumbing issues at his house. 

David decided to take a table saw out of the garage.  The three guys emptied out the sawdust, then I think they were trying to figure out a way to take it apart,

and Doug offered to deliver it to David and Peggy's house since he had his truck. So, they loaded it into his truck.

Peggy brought out several books that had belonged to our Dad, and Gail and I each chose a few.  Mike did not want any.  She also brought out a box of our mothers costume jewelry and Gail looked it all over and took a few pieces.  I had already taken a few pieces out a couple of months ago.  Mike took the box home with him so that his granddaughter Alice can choose a couple of pieces.  Peggy offered this item to Gail and Gail took it:  

Gail thinks it is an ash tray.  The lady's legs move! 

We had baked beans and four bean salad which I made, Judy's macaroni salad, Peggy's fruit salad and Gail brought two deserts.  Judy did not eat since she is on a special diet and had already had her diet meal. 

We took several group pictures.  It is not all that often that we four siblings get together.  Peggy took this one of she, Gail and I and our cousin, Judy.  Judy needs sisters!  Her two brothers have pretty much disowned her.  I am not sure there is ANY contact between either brother and her even though one lives right here in Lockport.  

This is the group picture I took, since I wanted to get a picture of all of my guests together:  Mike, Peggy, David, Gail, Judy and her husband, Doug. 
And here is one of me and my three siblings.  We are so blessed to have each other.  Peggy had us arrange ourselves by birth order.  Youngest on the left and oldest on the right. 

We started to wrap things up around four p.m.  Unfortunately, as Gail was about to get into her car, a fellow from across the street (young guy that I have not met, and I do not know if he lives there or not) backed into her car.  David saw it happen and he said that Gail's car bounced.  Luckily, she was not injured.  They exchanged information and made phone calls while I was finishing up putting stuff away.   

MONDAY:  I called the Office for the Aging and ordered two meals for Wednesday when Marlene and I will go to the Barker Seniors meeting.   I left a bit early for the Y so that I could stop at TOPS mostly hoping that they would have LACTOSE FREE Cottage Cheese.  They did!!!  I also bought lactose free cheese and yogurt and cream cheese.  I got to the Y on time, and Jan and I walked for about 35 minutes before quitting.   I stopped at SUBWAY and used a coupon to get a six inch sub.  It was not very good.  I took a nap in the afternoon and then went to the craft class at the Y.  We made bracelets.  Shortly after I got home, while I was preparing my supper, Elaine called and asked if I wanted to go to the ham dinner at the church in Cambria on Wednesday.  I agreed to meet up with her and Sarah at her house at four p.m. on Wednesday. 

TUESDAY:  I went to the Ladies Life Group at FREEDOM CHURCH.  There were only four people there, Marlene came in late and left early, me, Cindi, Dee and Karen.  I left as soon as it appeared to be over in order to get home and have lunch before going to the Retirees Travel Meeting at the ELKS CLUB.  I met up with Lois there. We each paid ten dollars to join.  I think there were about fifty people there, and twenty of them were new.  It was a bit disorganized.  We were given a lot of information (on paper) about two upcoming trips and some proposed trips.   I had to leave early in order to get home in time to meet up with Cindi and Peggy at my house in order to go to Wilson.  Peggy drove my car.  Our reason for going was to show support to Lisa Gould and her husband, who have a lavender farm and have had a table at the farm market and weekly car cruise all summer at BROWNIES CUSTARD STAND. 

SATURDAY the 14th Jan and I had a nice afternoon outing. We went to Sunflowers of Sanborn. We had an early lunch of wood fired pizza and did some shopping (I purchased two rings). Then we went to Hoovers so Jan could buy some chocolate milk. Before going home we had ice cream at JoJo's (we ran into Elaine and Nancy). When we got back to my house, we found that Peggy had accidentally locked us out.  She does not know why she locked the extra inside lock before going upstairs.  I had to stand on the sidewalk and holler for her, since she had gone upstairs. She heard me and let Jan and I in where we had a nice visit.

  They also offer baked goods.  They were finishing setting up when we arrived.  We each purchased items.  Lisa was heating the oil in order to make potato donuts.  
The old and interesting cars were pulling in.  

There was live music.  
We probably stayed about 45 minutes before heading back to Lockport.  

I relaxed for the rest of the evening.  I called Pam and asked her if she wanted to come over to watch the debate since she does not have television access.  She said she is too tired.  

WEDNESDAY:   I met up with Marlene at the Barker Fire Hall where the BARKER SENIORS were meeting. Before she arrived, a man named George came up to me and asked me if I had been at the Lockport Travel Meeting yesterday!  The Barker Seniors meet twice a month on Tuesdays.  The reason Marlene and I wanted to there today for Betty Stover's informational meeting regarding the upcoming (four more sleeps) Canada trip that we are going on.  Everyone in the Barker Seniors is friendly and helpful.  Both Marlene and I paid our 2024 dues (two dollars) and filled out sheets with our addresses, email, phone number, etc.  I had ordered our lunch two days ago.  It turned out to be pretty good.  A ham and cheese sandwich with lettuce, tomato and onions, Harvard beets and mixed vegetables.  A fresh orange for dessert.  For the record, I don't think anybody ate their orange.  It was a really good meeting, and I was very impressed.  There was live entertainment and a sing-along.  The songs were old time songs that I have not heard since I was a kid.  Becky was there and she came over to say hello.  The meeting about the trip was chock full of information, so I took notes.  When I got home, I looked for the travel insurance policy I purchased when I paid for the trip and found it readily.  I cancelled tomorrow's appointment with WellBe for a home visit and made another appointment for the Tuesday afternoon between this trip and the ASP trip.  It seems like I did a few other things, but I cannot recall them now.  OH!! I called Maggie and asked her if her daughter might like to go with us to Allegany.  She was not enthused about this idea but suggested that Kat might like to go with us.  She said she would ask her.  I went over to Betty's place to look at her tires, since she called and asked me to since she said she might have a bad tire.  I found that one of her tires LOOKS soft but does not feel soft.  Then I went to Elaine's house to meet up with Elaine and Sarah.  I suggested that instead of having our ham dinners at Elaine's place, that we could have them at my place.  Sarah seemed hesitant but Elaine was OK with the idea.  So, I returned to my place to get the table set and drinks ready, etc.  They went to the Cambria church and picked up three ham dinners and brought them over.  The ham dinners were delicious!!!  We sat and talked for a couple of hours.  

THURSDAY:  I went to WM to pick up a few items and then to the Y where Jan and I walked about 35 minutes. Then I went to the money exchange place at Fashion Outlet Mall in Niagara Falls and got a hundred dollars worth of Canadian money, half for me and half for Marlene.  I bought lunch in the food court.  
I went to OLD NAVY and bought four long sleeved pullover tops, on sale fifty percent off.  I spent the rest of the day at home. I called spectrum and got help with changing my email password to 17Friendds!  I also changed my FB password to that.  

FRIDAY:  I had my tires rotated and the car checked over at TOYOTA and then met Jan at the Y and we walked for 40 minutes.  I picked up a LUNCH SPECIAL at Little Caesers.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I did laundry and started seriously packing for the trip.  Most of the clothing I washed today is still hanging up, drying.  

SATURDAY:  Jan and I had a nice afternoon outing. We went to Sunflowers of Sanborn. We had an early lunch of wood fired pizza and did some shopping (I purchased two rings). Then we went to Hoovers so Jan could buy some chocolate milk. Before going home we had ice cream at JoJo's (we ran into Elaine and Nancy). When we got back to my house, we found that Peggy had accidentally locked us out. She was upstairs looking for something and I had to holler for her from the sidewalk. So, she ame down and let Jan and I in and we talked for a while. Then, I had to go to RiteAid to pick up a script and to Niagara Produce to get a few bananas and milk and after that, I spent the rest of the day at home.   I changed the password for this blog to 17friendds!  and now I can post in here.  I guess I have successfully recovered my account.  


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