Week of Monday October 7th through Saturday October 12th, 2024

 MONDAY:   I met up with Jan at the Y, and then went to my appt with Dr. Chubineh, then I had a quick lunch at McDonalds, went to Citizens Bank to deposit a check and them to WalGreens where I met up with Karen, a volunteer from HEARTS and HANDS.  She drove me to my ENT appointment in Williamsville.  I was pretty much released from returning, but can call if I have any problems and want to be seen.  I enjoyed getting to know Karen, she has been battling cancer for the last year and a half and has had surgery and chemo and radiation.  Still, she has the energy to help others.  I spent the rest of the day at home, resting and putting away stuff from the Allegany trip.  I still have a bit to do.  I called Maggie in the evening to remind her of tomorrow's Life Group since she said she wanted to go to it.  I left a voice mail, but she did not get back to me.

TUESDAY:  I went to the TUESDAY MORNING LADIES LIFE GROUP.  There were nine of us in attendance.  They were discussing going out for lunch when I left because I didn't want to go.  I picked up a small sub at SUBWAY, using a coupon and had lunch at home.  Leslie called just as I was sitting down to eat my lunch.  We talked for about a half an hour before I told her that I had to get going.  I met up with Peggy at the law office of Marianne Koenig. When I got home, I took a nap.  

WEDNESDAY:   I had my appointment with Dr. Kurbs and then got gas and picked up a prescription at Rite Aid.  Then  I met up with Jan at the Y and we walked for a half an hour, with breaks. I picked up a lunch special at Lil Caesars and ate most of it at home.  I did some cleaning and organizing at home.  I spent the rest of the day at home, including a nap.  I chatted online with Christa in the evening.  

THURSDAY:  I had my first appointment with my new dentist (Dr. Conley) this morning. 

He has the x-rays and records from Dr. Smith.  He looked at the x-rays and at my teeth.  He said there is a loose filling, but I am wondering why it does not feel loose to me.....?  I love his receptionist, Ranay.  She is top notch.  I was prepared to use my credit card to pay for this visit since earlier today when I called Univera I was told that Dr. Conley is "out of network".  However, Ranay said they have done everything to get him into the Univera network and hat she would take care of it.  I then went to Rite Aid to pick up my Viberzi, and I also went to Wendy's to pick up a Taco Salad for my lunch.  I had half of it for my lunch along with a slice of yesterday's left-over pizza.  I called Pam to see if she wanted to come to supper tonight, but she is going to a Bible study at Freedom Church this evening.  So, I suggested tomorrow evening and she agreed.  I had a nice afternoon nap.  I got caught up on some of my tv programs.  I went outside to see if I could see the NORTHERN LIGHTS, but I did not see anything.  I called Connie and left a message.  

FRIDAY:  Drum Oil called and asked if they could come early.  I said OK and got ready for the day.  They arrived at nine a.m.  I did a few "catch up" tasks and found this recipe for tonight.  I modified it a bit.  


    • 1 can (21 ounces) cherry, peach, blueberry or other fruit pie filling, I added some peaches
    • 1 cup Original Bisquick™ mix
    • 1/4 cup milk.  I added a little more.
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, softened 
  • Put fruit on bottom (1.5 quart casserole) other ingredients on top.  Bake at 400 degrees until top is browned.   I set the oven for 375 degrees.  It turned out pretty well.

FRIDAY the 11th of October:  Drum Oil came early which was helpful.  However, a problem was found and they will order a new part.  Before going to the Y I went to WalMart and used the $75.00 gift card that I got from WellBe. (mostly paper goods). I am trying to change this back to the regular way, without success.   Anyways, after lunch and starting to get ready for supper tonight (Pam is coming over for supper), I took a nap.  When I got up, I made the cobbler.  Pam arrived on time and I finished up making the garlic toast.  We ha soup, garlic toast and the cobbler.  Pam had brought some cookies, made with ripe bananas and oat flour.  After supper, we played a game of Scrabble.  Then I showed her how to find apps that offer British TV on a ROKU television.  She left a little bit after nine p.m.  She took a large portion of the cobbler home with her.  After she left, I watched last night's episode of LAW AND ORDER and then started watching the movie A WALK IN THE WOODS.
I may have seen it before, it looks somewhat familiar.  I really  like Nick Nolte.

SATURDAY Oct. 12th:  I stayed up late last night watching that movie. Even though I took TWO Tylenol PM, I had a hard time getting to sleep.  Anyways, I was still sleeping when Peg called at nine thirty.  She came over and went down cellar and started pulling stuff out.  She brought some of it upstairs.  One of the items is this, which neither one of us has any memory of: 

 After a while, I suggested to her that she and I could go to the Community Market and use up some of my coupons and then go to MANITO'S for lunch, using my $50.00 gift certificate that I won at a basket raffle a few months ago.  She called David to see if they could postpone their errands a bit so she could go out to lunch.  He wanted to go, too, so we made arrangements for him to meet up with us here at my house, after Peggy and I go to the market.   There was live music.  
Peggy talked to representatives of CornerStone bank about having her Social Security checks direct deposited. 


She and I each purchased a few items at the market and then met up with David at my house.  We had a really funny moment when David got into the front seat of Peggy's car.  A potato had fallen out of the bag, and he found it as he was getting into the car and yelled "what is this doing there?"  It is only funny because he absolutely HATES potatoes and NEVER eats them, in any way, shape or form.  We enjoyed our lunch at Manito's,  We each ordered two tacos.

and didn't even use up the whole gift card.  There were a lot of Hispanic appearing guys there, we think they are migrant workers, since we saw this bus when we left.


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