Week of Sunday December 8th through Saturday December 14th, 2024

 SUNDAY:  Church was very good.  Glenda, Marlene, Lori and I had lunch together at APPLEBEEs.  I had the grilled chicken and brought half of it home.  I stopped at Rite Aid before going home but even though there was an automated call telling me that my prescription would be ready to pick up on the 8th, now they say it will be available on the 10th.  UGH.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I called Specturm asking for help with getting my TV with the XUMO box working and I reached a very friendly tech who had me try a LOT of things, but the issue is not resolved.  I set up for a technician to come tomorrow between one and two p.m.  In the evening, I started to measure out the ingredients for fruitcake, which I plan to make in the morning. I finished folding yesterdays laundry and put some away.  I watched a couple more episodes of THE HANDMAIDS TALE

MONDAY:  I was woke up by a phone call from Spectrum at a little after eight a.m. this morning, I made a batch of fruitcake, using the two boxes of date and nut bread that I purchased after Christmas last year.  I also got out a few more Christmas decorations.  I cut up the last three carrots and put them in my small crockpot with orange juice.  I washed a load of dark clothing so that I could wash my new blue sweater, to see how it washed.  It seems fine.  I had an appointment with a SPECTRUM technician to come and help me figure out how to turn on my XUMO box.  Of course, when he arrived, it worked, and he showed me how to turn it off and on and he fixed the VOICE part on the remote.  I was able to log into HULU.  Pam came over for supper and to watch the latest episode of MATLOCK, and we played a game of SEQUENCE.

TUESDAY:  I went to LIFE GROUP and five of us went to THE FIELDSTONE FOR LUNCH.  I had the soup and salad bar.  I ran a few errands:  I took Connie's package to the Post Office and mailed it, I went to RiteAid to pick up my Viberzi (but it was not in, and might be in tomorrow) and I dropped off a fruitcake to Peggy.  I spent the rest of the day at home.  I finished putting a small Christmas gift box ready to mail to Christa and I am almost done with the box I will mail to Megan and Cassandra.  I need to add something to the box to fill the empty space at the top, and I am not sure what.  But I just had an idea, a vintage Christmas table runner might work.  I wasted the rest of the evening watching THE HANDMAIDS TALE and playing TEXT TWIST.  

WEDNESDAY:  I went to NorthWest Bank to get some money before going to BARKER SENIORS for their end of the year Christmas gathering and party.  When I arrived, the vendors were already set up and the snacks and drinks were set up and a choral group from the nearby school was singing. 

 People arrived gradually.  This man provided Christmas music.  

I purchased two dollars worth of tickets for the fifty/fifty but did not win anything. 

The meal was outstanding, it was catered.  The turkey and roast beef were both so tender and tasty, there were mashed potatoes and a very interesting and tasty mixture of vegetables, along with green salad and rolls and butter. 

There were all sorts of homemade pies to choose from, as well as cherry crumble and apple crumble.  There was a lot of food left over and many members had brought containers to take stuff home.  I brought my salad, a roll, and a helping of the vegetables home. After lunch we sang Christmas songs and then they started the gift exchange. 

When I realized that this was going to take a long time, I gave my spot to a woman who had not brought a gift and was watching.  I got waylaid by a woman (Judy) who needed help carrying trays and containers out to her car.  She was using a cane and could not manage.  She held the doors while I carried the items and put them into her car.  Shortly after I got home, Lori messaged me that she changed her mind about going to Middleport for the craft class due to being concerned about the weather.  I told her that was find.  When RiteAid called to say my prescription was ready, I decided it was best to go over and pick it up and then put my car in the garage.  I did that, and since I was really tired from not sleeping last night, I laid on the couch and fell asleep for a while.  

THURSDAY the 12th:  In the morning, I made a batch of CHEX MIX.  I did a few other things around the house.  I messaged Jan and we agreed that I could pick her up at eleven a.m.  That worked out and we went to the Y and walked the track for a half hour or a little more.  Then we went to WalMart and I was able to use my $25 gift card from AAA.  I really only needed a pound of butter, but while there I decided I needed other items such as orange juice and raisins so I can make raisin sauce for the Christmas ham (David and Peggy bought it yesterday), some items for another fruitcake.  I looked for BAGEL CHIPS to put in a second batch of Chex Mix, but could not find any.  After our shopping, I told Jan I wanted to go out to lunch and that I would treat.  We went to Arby's.  I used a coupon for a meal deal and Jan got a slider and a milkshake. Then I took her home and helped her get her groceries into her apartment and I was able to see her new cupboards and appliances in her kitchen.  When I got home, there was a message from Lori, asking if I wanted to go to an event at the Jewish Center on Hopkins Road tonight.  I really did not feel like going, so I called her and suggested that she come over to my place for supper and games or movies.  She called back and we agreed to a time: six thirty p.m.  I took some goulash and croissants out of the freezer so they could thaw out and made a batch of jello.  I laid down to rest, hoping for a nap, but since I had Dr. Pepper with my lunch, I could not fall asleep.  I made a casserole out of the leftover goulash and I served the vegetables that I brought home from the Barker Seniors Luncheon yesterday, and two croissants from the freezer and I made jello which I cut into small squares and served it with non dairy whipped cream.  We tried to find a movie to watch using the Xumo box, but were not successful so we played a game of BANANAGRAMS.  

FRIDAY;  in the (late) morning, I got caught up on some phone calls I needed to make. I found gifts, cards and gift bags for David's s granddaughters.   I finished getting the package for Megan and Cassandra ready.  I took that and Christa's much smaller package to the post office and mailed them. 

Before going home, I went to Little Caeser's  and purchased the lunch special.  I rested in the afternoon.  In the evening I found the movie THE GREAT DEBATERS with Denzel Washington. 

SATURDAY:  First thing today I made a batch of CHEX MIX, and I tripled up the amount of spices.  I think it turned out pretty good.  Marlene called and we agreed to meet at FREEDOM CHURCH between twelve thirty and twelve forty five in order to go to North Tonawanda for the free organ concert at the Riviera Theatre.  I got there on time because I rushed to get dressed and ready, but Marlene was late. No matter.  We got to North Tonawanda in plenty of time and got good seats in the theatre.  

Mrs. Momot (she never gave her first name) was kind of the Master of Ceremonies. 

Joe told us a little bit about himself and more about the organ, demonstrating some of the unique sounds it used to make for silent films.

I took several pictures of the performance and of Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus who handed out candy canes to the few kids in the audience.  They can be found


I am too tired to add more pictures in here tonight.  

Before coming home, I went to Wendy's and purchased a TACO SALAD, which I ate at home.  It is actually the NEW Taco Salad, with a few changes.  It is pretty good.  


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