Week Starting with SUNDAY March 2, 2025
SUNDAY: Church was excellent this morning, as usual. After church, Glenda, Lori, Andrea and I went to Applebee's for lunch. Glenda and I did the "two for $26" since we both really like the grilled chicken meal. I went directly home after lunch and spent the rest of the day at home. After resting, I finished getting my CARRY ON BAG packed with the necessities including all of my meds and supplements, my good jeans and one pair of capris, three short sleeves tops, one sweater, one pajama bottom and some underwear and socks. Also, my green hat. I will put my personal items such a as shampoo, conditioner, etc. into my backpack. I also emailed Carrie's case manager, and her house manager and medical liaison about my plans with Bob's phone number in case they have any concerns. I called Bob and left a message that he will be on call while I am away.
MONDAY: First thing this morning, I got a haircut at SUPERCUTS. $18.00 for a senior haircut. First, I asked for 2 inches off, but when I saw that, I asked for another inch cut off. I think I will like this haircut a lot. Then I went to PANERA's and got a free drink, and then to WalMart where I purchased a PROTECTIVE GRIP CASE for my phone, and then to NW Bank to get money for my trip. Then I came home and found two messages on my landline phone: one from Peggy and one from Dee Mann. I called Dee back and she invited me to accompany her to a free dinner at The Shamus later on this month. Anderson Windows is sponsoring it and Dee is interested in learning but what is available in the line of windows. I called PureTalk to ask if I have unlimited text and phone calls, etc. I do!!! This should come in handy on the cruise. In the evening, I contacted Mary Turk, who lives down the street, and asked her to pick up my mail when I am gone. I also looked for a particular short sleeved top that I remembered and found it.
TUESDAY: The Ladies Life Group was very good this morning and when it was over, I suggested we go to PANERA for lunch. Carol, Pam, Cindi, Karen and Marlene joined me there. I got another one of my large iced tea and had a sandwich and small bowl of soup with it. I took one of my "rewards" which was a bagel for a dollar. As we were getting ready to leave, Pam said she was thinking of going to the Y to walk the track, so I said I would meet her there. We walked about forty minutes or so. I asked Pam again if she wants to come over to my place this evening to watch Trump give his speech before congress. She said she will come. When I got home, I tried on a couple of pairs of capris and a couple of tops that I was thinking about taking on my cruise. Good thing I tried them on, one pullover top (purple) is not loose enough for me to feel comfortable wearing it. My bathing suit, which I purchased several years ago to wear at the Y, fits well, also.
WEDNESDAY: I had my appointment with Dr. Kurbs this morning and then went to the Y and walked for about twenty minutes and did about fifteen minutes on the recumbent bike. I went to Panera's and got my free drink, my one dollar bagel and a cobb salad which I had for my lunch. I spent the rest of the day at home, doing stuff for my trip and vacuuming.
THURSDAY: I messed up on the time for my appointment with Dr. Padhi, and got a phone call from his office. Lucky for me, they changed the appointment to a later time. It went very well. Dr. Padhi said I should probably continue taking Atorvastatin unless my blood work comes back perfect. That will never happen. I stopped at CARSON's hoping I could get a hot dog, since I was craving one. They do not offer them, so I got a REUBEN and had it for lunch when I got home. After lunch, I finished packing for the cruise, and then took a nap. I was going to change my password on flickr since I could not remember it, but I was able to bring it up, so I wrote it down and put it in my wallet (my trip wallet), hoping that I will be able to post pictures on flickr when I am away. I was kind of shocked to see an email from my credit card company (the card I plan to use on my trip) reminding me that a payment will be due in a few days. I called and made the payment over the phone, out of my Citizens checking account. I had marked the bill paid and put it away, so I don't know if it was my mistake or Citizens banks mistake. Anyways, I am glad that I had the opportunity to take care of it before leaving.
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