Saturday May 26, 2018 in Plainwell, Michigan

We had a great breakfast, prepared by Megan and Chris.  After breakfast, Bob said he should hit the road, but Megan said that Christa just texted her and she was on the way, so he decided to stay a while longer.

Before anybody left, we took a LOT of pictures.  I did not really want my picture taken with this awful face.  Christa suggested that I put my sunglasses on and that was a great idea.  Anyway, here some of the pictures:
                                                 The Keator Family Pic
                                        Christa and Megan
                                               Christa and her Dad
                               Bob and I, our daughters an grandkids
the Keators.   

I am so happy because after being estranged for MANY years, Bob and Christa have reconnected and it appears that they are both happy with it.  Also, Christa and Megan have been partially estranged for a few years and they have reconnected and it is clear that they are both happy about it.  

I think Bob left first, and then Tina and Mike.  Later on, Megan and I took Christa to the airport.  

It was a great day.  I sure wish that Christa could have stayed longer, but she has to get back to work on Monday.


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