Bowler Family Reunion: August 19, 2018
nine to four fifteen
I was totally exhausted from last nights trip to Del Lago Casino, but I had agreed to help Becky get ready for the annual Bowler Reunion. I had agreed to meet her at the shelter at 8:30 a.m. but I arrived at nine a.m. I helped clean the pavilion up, get the tables in position, blew up balloons, put tablecloths down and set up the prizes and tied the WELCOME to the BOWLER REUNION
sign to a tree . Dan Bowler came and hung up the huge posters with pictures from the past reunions. Ann and Dick arrived from Albuquerque arrived early and only stayed a few minutes before leaving and saying they would come back later.
Becky forgot to bring coffee so I offered to go get some. I decided to make it at home, and make myself a sandwich at the same time since she was saying we would eat around two p.m. I also went to Tim Hortons and got some timbits and to the 7/11 and got myself a Big Gulp. By the time I got back to the shelter, everything was done. We relaxed a bit and then Mike arrived
Mike called Kim and asked her to bring Vincent and Alice to the park since Peggy and I had never met Alice.
I was totally exhausted from last nights trip to Del Lago Casino, but I had agreed to help Becky get ready for the annual Bowler Reunion. I had agreed to meet her at the shelter at 8:30 a.m. but I arrived at nine a.m. I helped clean the pavilion up, get the tables in position, blew up balloons, put tablecloths down and set up the prizes and tied the WELCOME to the BOWLER REUNION
sign to a tree . Dan Bowler came and hung up the huge posters with pictures from the past reunions. Ann and Dick arrived from Albuquerque arrived early and only stayed a few minutes before leaving and saying they would come back later.
Becky forgot to bring coffee so I offered to go get some. I decided to make it at home, and make myself a sandwich at the same time since she was saying we would eat around two p.m. I also went to Tim Hortons and got some timbits and to the 7/11 and got myself a Big Gulp. By the time I got back to the shelter, everything was done. We relaxed a bit and then Mike arrived
Mike called Kim and asked her to bring Vincent and Alice to the park since Peggy and I had never met Alice.
Kim and the kids did not stay long.
Most people arrived close to one p.m. or shortly after. I took care of the sign up sheet. It was a small group this year.Becky provided really nice gifts for the youngest, oldest and those who travelled the farthest.
I provided two guessing games one or adults and one for kids, but there were really no kids this year.
Here is Austin with my collection of bouncy balls. The little piece of paper with the number of balls blew away, so I had to pour the balls out and count them again!!!
I provided two guessing games one or adults and one for kids, but there were really no kids this year.
We had our usual white elephant auction. I contributed a basket of fresh vegetables from my spot at the community garden and a container of bath items (which Peggy bid on and won).
FAMILY MEETING and Becky took up a collection to help pay for next years reunion.
I stayed until "the bitter end" after everyone else had left, in order to help Becky pack up all the stuff into her truck. I was so glad to get home at about 4:20 p.m. I immediately took a shower and then put my stuff away and then took a nap. I think it may take me couple of days to recover from this weekend.
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