Leaving Lighthouse Christian Camp, GOING HOME: August 24,2018

I slept great last night!!!!  

After breakfast, Pam and I began the massive job of packing up our stuff and then getting it into the car.  It was a real chore!!!  We turned in our keys and checked out the posters for some upcoming events at the camp.

I decided to try a different route home, going through the Village of Appleton.  I placed a geocache at this store a few years ago.
so I was able to check on it, and it is in fine shape.  

The shop was open and many items were on sale...………..some practically being given away.  Pam got a lovely dress for $1.50.  I purchased a bracelet, a wooden leaf pin (that I will probably give to Carol) and a scarf and my tab was less than four dollars.

Only one more stop on the way home at TIM HORTONS in Wrights Corners, where Pam got an iced coffee.  

I think we got home around eleven a.m.  I have SO MUCH STUFF to put away!!!!  But it is worth it for the great time we had.


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